

Have you guys catched the new show on MTV?
Its called Scars, and its crazy/funny/replusive!

Some dude fell onto a rail while skateboarding and tore his scrotum open, his balls was dangerling, but it was blurred out! LOL!
sorry to tell you bro, but its not really a new show on MTV. Scarred was around since last but it didnt got aired in asia.

BUT, the things there are awesome!! haha. yeah, i watched the episode where the guy fell off his skateboard and hit his nuts on a sharp rail. damn that was painful! You can catch the show on youtube as well. My fav F_@K UP video is Alex Liiv's bike collapse and Denys Hollis. Denys Hollis fell on his head so bad, that he went into seizure, man that was some crazy shit!

Yeah man, finally airing better shows on mtv now.

Guess they finally realise everyone's sick of Rihanna!

check out the scarred vids on youtube. the one where the skateboarder grinds, falls and slices his ******* open is ducking gross!