satch covers Canon in D

canon in D

Hey dong , ermm its neo classical stuff work on your dorian scales which already being set in that song .. show more of yer arpeggios..and if u playing some pentatonics make sure its mixture of pentatonic/blues. And of course i believe, these all needs time to develope ..improvisation is not REAL simple coz it takes knowledge+practice+feel+suiting yourself in a song. example if i play fast change blues in E.. i must bare in mind when to apply major scales/blues.. coz if i play all the way minor pentatonics i would sound lame and immature.. so all these.. practice and understanding in diff music styles required.. like some bands want to play or do sometin similar to Dream theatre.. all they need is basic Jazz and fusion stuff if they dont have the basics ?i advise them to start learning basic jazz modes..thats only example it same applies to guitar solos. well im not saying im good or pro but thats what i learnt and others who commented on my playing last time i couldnt take it but after sometime i realised "EGO" leads u to nowhere. btw keep on rocking!
canon in D

ah sure i will work on my equipments and devices to record just bought new comp and my hardware device attached to my old comp i broken too. Ill post my recording of canon in D very soon . since someone requested. May take a while for me to set up things all over again.Musical equipments always rdy only recording device is not. Ill work on it k.
I can't wait for guitarcritic to show us tracks of his playing. Dude do you teach guitar? I want to lean from you, I think you're so awesome. Like all the guitar gods dead and alive combined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
awwww that's just too bad, I was really hoping to lean from someone who knows their stuff like the back of their hand. you sound really super! My goodness so exciting. Do you play live? I be you've got lots of fans who can't wait to see you play. It's so amazing I think SOFT is REAL LUCKY to have someone who knows everything about guitar playing posting in the forums!!!!!!

i played in PUBS and stuff that was like few years back im married(with a supporting wife who appreciates my music and stuff) got a nice job a side line business what more ? hehe relax at home play my guitar if u really want a teacher i recommend u to save up money and get goin to G.I.T well guitar institute hehehe.:)
canon in D

ahh chick understands me .. btw my apologies if i really shot an arrow into anyone's heart i didnt mean to be MEAN u know.. just being sincere.
nic1327 said:
I can't wait for guitarcritic to show us tracks of his playing. Dude do you teach guitar? I want to lean from you, I think you're so awesome. Like all the guitar gods dead and alive combined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't cook chicken rice so I can't comment/critique on someone else's chicken rice?


Guitarcritic, its good for someone like you to be around, sorely lacking in the OM section. However, some tactfulness would be good... its a faceless online world here - misunderstandings abound.
guitarric. i dont think its sloppy anything. hey satch im new to this forums too. so i dont want to sound like a jerk or anything. u are a way better guitarist than me. i cant play that well. i swear i cant. = ) but honestly i dont like your version of this canon. in my opinion there was just like too much stuff going around maybe u shouldve kept it simpler.

great playing though uve definately got skills. rock on ^^
hahah guitarcritic just don't use words like crap and suck etc. and don't CAPS the harsh words and it will be alright =)
by the way, also to add, it aint something frustrating to listen :) maybe u haven't seen dong played live before.. so before u get the full picture, it would be best to save some comments to yourself :)
His comments may be of a harsh nature and not brought across properly, but it does bring about what he thinks of the recording. This is a discussion forum, go ahead if you wanna "baby" your fav forumer, but everyone is entitled to give their opinions, esp since the thread starter has started a thread ASKING for them. I am sure he is fully well aware of the criticisms that will arrive.

Hey dong, been a while since i heard and seen you play. Here are my thoughts on the recording. Your timing and rhythm work has improved loads and the timing was spot on through it. The thing to take note of is your fretting technique. It is quite obvious that your intonation is off due to your vibrato and fretting technique. Work on that and you will sound alot more solid. Good tone too.

alright maybe i shouldnt compare you to some solid guitarists . im sorrie again if ure still at learning stage too. yeah i understand its unfair to compare satch with funtwo or jerry c. Yeah someone commented on your fretting technique etc well i agree with that. Ok heres an encouragement and motivation from me as a friend, practice on your bendings make sure when u bend u hit it right, and smoothen your vibratos listen to yngwei malmsteen ull get it. Solo is like singing when a person starts singing just listen to the way he starts a first word and the endings of each word. good singers start it smooth and end it smooth too, just like driving a car u need to press the accelerator slowly and release clutch slowly to make the car runs smoothly right its like that . If u cant get it its alright listen alot to garry moore or slash.
i thought dong's playing was pretty good. It's good to have someone like guitarcritic who gives honest opinions though, but maybe not so harsh? merry xmas eveyrone