Sansamp Tri-AC help


New member
To anyone out there who uses it, i've been having problems with storing presets on my triac.

The tone parameters will change automatically, with the LED light blinking, thus
affecting the tone. I can't see how i can use it to play live. Any one experiencing this too?
You seem to have the same issue as I have with my unit.

Its like after you save a setting, the settings will change?

You try this, save your settings already, then just return all knobs to 0, all the way to the right.

Nothing should change anymore.

Are you using batteries or Adaptors to power it?
I'm using a 1Spot. However, my problem persists even with batteries. I'm sending my unit back to Tech21 for repairs soon, in about 2 wks time.

I suspect the root of the problem is due to a short. With adaptors that are daisy chained up, the loose heads of the daisy chain sometimes brush against the metal chassis of our pedals, and if you notice, that results in a small short. I htink that was what damaged the tri ac.

Going to tape up the loose ends now.
i suggest u guys get the visual sound adaptor and the daisy chain from guitar 77..both are very stable and shuld not have short.

I am using a 1Spot and I am using the VS Daisy Chains.

ANY Dasiy chain will/can short if the exposed tip contacts a pedal's metal chassis.
keiith said:
i suggest u guys get the visual sound adaptor and the daisy chain from guitar 77..both are very stable and shuld not have short.

The short is when the unused heads touch the metal enclosures or such. Most enclosures are grounded, if you're lucky the paint is thick enough to prevent the short. It's impossible that they don't short when touching the metal that is grounded.

Tape it up or use some other system to ensure the metal on the adapter heads are not exposed or left hanging around. I tie my down onto my board with velcro.

The alternative is to buy more pedals and use up all the heads so none left hanging around :D
shredcow, the method u suggested worked. thanks.

i did email tech21 and they suggested i send the unit back to them. but i doubt the postage will be cheap.
sorry ah off topic a bit..
anyway i recently got a tri ac too.
the eq's really really good but its hard to get more heavy rock and diefinetly not metal out of it.
so sometimes during chorus's or solos i boost it with my mt-2 which is the only other pedal i have now. waiting for either a ts-9 or micro amp.
do you all use it as a stand alone?
I know shredcow uses it only for his cleans am i right?
what about the other tri ac users?
cant seem to get a good sound out of it yet.
imsuchajoker said:
I know shredcow uses it only for his cleans am i right?

Nope... I set the TRI AC to 1 clean, 1 crunch, 1 heavy channel.

I boost with either my Randolfed TS9DX or the Hellbilly.

The TRIAC cannot go uber heavy alone, don't bother trying, it can't and when you go high gain (> 3 oclock) you are asking for noise.

Wait for your TS9 or what other pedals coming in. YOur MT2 definately does NOT cut it.

The TRI AC is a bloody complex thing, you can't figure it out in a week. Take your time, keep tweaking. A tip, the Mesa channel might be too loose for high gain, try the brit channel.

And if you wanna sell, come to me. :)
brundisium said:
the amplifier plays a big part...

Well... yeah... but its slightly different with the TRI AC, I don't think the TRI AC or GT2 work well with most amps. Its not easy to find an amp that will gel with them....
one thing with the sansamp stuff, some like the way it sounded straight to amp and some like it into effect loop or in your case, hard to hard a amp that gel with it. I do find that with a basic combo amp, the tri ac actually sounded decent. But of course, everyone will hear differently.

Imho, the tri ac is just a distortion pedal that requires some tweaking. Complex would be the last thing that i would associate with distortion...

Pardon me if i offend in any ways. Just find that too much fixation with distortion round here when there are other much deeper effect out there.
Yeah its pretty noisy after 3 o clock.
I think it could be my amp too.
I dont set the amp eq very neutral though.
boost the mids and bass a bit cause my marshall Mg 15 sounds more inclined to trebles.
anyway ty for the help.
guess ill have to wait for my ts-9dx.
ShredCow said:
Why doubt? ;)

Find out. Its around $30.

What about postage back? will tech21 pay for it?
anyway mine is over a year old. don't think it's under warranty anymore.
gotta pay them to fix it?
Thanks for the tip on the stuff about daisy chains and shorting. I have already shorted 3 pedals with the vs adaptor and daisy chain. If only I had known earlier. Total lost: $320. 2/3 pedals were 2nd hand.

I also went ahead and ordered a diff pw supply from overseas!!
brundisium said:
Pardon me if i offend in any ways. Just find that too much fixation with distortion round here when there are other much deeper effect out there.

Much deeper effect? :) Most, if not all, tone search is for distortion, overdrive or fuzz.
ironickel said:
What about postage back? will tech21 pay for it?
anyway mine is over a year old. don't think it's under warranty anymore.
gotta pay them to fix it?

Just email to Tech21, get a repair number from them, they may just do it for free. As for shipping, ask them too.
shioks76 said:
I also went ahead and ordered a diff pw supply from overseas!!

Hey man, its the same even if you used a different power supply, if its using the same daisy chain concept. Its not a VS issue, or 1Spot issue, thats just the way it is.

Ibanez daisy chains had a plastic cover on them.

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