S.O.F.T "PLAY ACOUSTIC!!" Guitar Gathering

wow a bit last minute eh? hopefully it reaches enough people so enough people would turn up 2mr...

anyway, u can count me and my sis in. :]
I'll be down as well. :) But I won't have my acoustic guitar with me though. Will be there to see what I can learn!


1. serene
2. Metal
3. fgl (spectator lol)
4. steviegfc
5. lookeong

1. fenderrules
2. spiritedflame
3. paradox
4. theusedrocks
5. Kaye

1. serene
2. Metal
3. fgl (spectator lol)
4. steviegfc
5. lookeong
6. shinigamionguitar

1. fenderrules
2. spiritedflame
3. paradox
4. theusedrocks
5. Kaye
eh 2 may outing rite??
wah kao...
my idiot boss called me,
ask me go back work =[
so i cant make it...
i after work is already 5pm le....
reach there 6pm =[
sianz....i think i cant make it le....
unless u alll staying there till nite,
i can drop by!!
5 or 5.30 the thing end liao so maybe can lah, but I will have to close it at around 5.45 cuz I have to go to church after that.

Can try la, but if you can't it's okay. Lemme know man ;)

OH YA GUYS! If you have any personal cameras do try to bring hor! I will be posting photos of it on my myspace and facebook. Hopefully we can spread the word about this gathering and have it weekly if it's fruitful. Hopefully we also can have much more experienced guitarists like Addy, Simon Lai or Rosli Mansor to join us in future muahahahaha.

My friend has kindly volunteered (actually i drag him down one la haha) to film and shoot us for this gathering so expect to get radical footage of it after.
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i shld be able to make it (90% sure) but have to leave about 4:30 pm for a work-related appt....

i will go to esplanade direct

btw just a word of caution: since we're now on Orange alert, those who are not well or have flu like symptoms, better stay home instead of coming to the gathering... thanks!
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there are christians here! ok then i guess i'll bring my church song book, easy to teach chords and really nice to sing with
if suddenly u alll got plans to stay until nite rite??
plse SMS me!!!!!

i will come!!!

1. serene
2. ah mo
3. fgl (spectator lol)
4. steviegfc
5. lookeong
6. shinigamionguitar

1. fenderrules
2. spiritedflame
3. paradox
4. theusedrocks
5. Kaye

Hey ah mo, it's perfectly fine. Just do take your leave if ya have to ;)

Metal: Wahh siaan ahh...maybe next time okeey =)

spiritedflame: You are so gonna be my favourite helper haha
omg , I got something in the morning I have to attend till early afternoon or so.. , will only be able to reach by 3.45-4plus , hopefully can drop by and learn something! , my name is daniel btw. , I'll contact ya if I'm able to make it ,yah , most probably 60% can go.
Hahaha! Why am I in the helper list? I might just create more trouble if I help out!

Please put me under newbie and as a spectator as well. :p

See you guys tmr!


1. serene
2. ah mo
3. fgl (spectator lol)
4. steviegfc
5. lookeong
6. shinigamionguitar
7. dmagelneo
8. Kaye

1. fenderrules
2. spiritedflame
3. paradox
4. theusedrocks

whoops my bad

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