ROT ARTWORKS by Arif Suhaimi

its been awhile since i ejaculate a new one. bz as hell with wormrot recording for the album. but this is the newest shit from me. its a shirt art for a deathcore band from USA, PROCESS FOR ENIGMA. its still in progress, composition state. check it. c yall at odio. if im working that is. LOL. :D
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ive been really2 extremely agonisingly bz with the shifting of house and recording vocals for wormrot. i have not finish this piece.. i took with my phone camera so u cant really see the details. cant wait to finish this and get it scanned properly so u can see the shitload of stress details i put into this one..
Its been awhile since i ejaculate new piece out. Its a huge piece. so yeap its still in the works. For a friend of mine in the US starting a new band. somewhat in the veins of great grind/gore bands like Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition/Inhume/cliteater. i'll post the finish product when im done. not so soon though

its been awhile since i did some new art. was very busy with wormrot release and preparation for the tour. so yeap this is the newest piece from me. check it! thanks! :twisted:
some of my recent works. its been awhile since i post something here.. so here it goes. some of them are for sale. pm me if interested in any ;)

