ROT ARTWORKS by Arif Suhaimi

newest. its suppose to be a fun sketch. turns out something serious and im keen to finish this up asap. took the image with my phone camera. all done in pencils.
newest art from me. only 50% done. took it with my camera phone. let me know what ya think. any bands interested in this piece, feel free.. as u can see, im more into mad details now.. so theres a huge difference in my old works.. ok keep intouch :p cant wait to start on the top part of the art. severed heads and innards hanging i hope. haha.. we'll see
to those who give a shit about me, heres my newest piece! its for sale by the way. took this with my camera phone coz i dont own any scanner for now. check it.
thats sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick sick....

but i like it. hehehe
seriously , how i wish i can do all those you're doing. its brutally awesome.

the trick is never let go of the pencil if you have the passion for it. find your style, explore it, and blast. in my case, i started drawing or shall i say vadalising my mom`s wall with my mom`s lipstick when i was 4. hahaha so now i cant vandalise walls so i did it in people minds instead. its never too late to start if you have the vision and the willingness/patience to learn.. :mrgreen:
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wonderful words by the man. i don't have the passion for drawing though(i've yet to find a passion though i was a freak in architecture). it's a hobby for me. can draw but cant paint. heh. TS-you're very admirable. haha.
wonderful words by the man. i don't have the passion for drawing though(i've yet to find a passion though i was a freak in architecture). it's a hobby for me. can draw but cant paint. heh. TS-you're very admirable. haha.

hahah! thanks for the kind words.. means alot.. architecture?? awesome! bright as hell future. i was in NAFA completed my diploma in interior design in 2005? i fergot. but later that year i was brainwashed by nation slavery. so the interest is gone, and 3 years of my life is wasted on a diploma cert which now i dont give a F about it.

anyway painting is way more relaxing than drawing for sure. definitely. i can paint but i prefer drawing. it boggles and F the mind alittle to give that stressful rush. hahaha. i guess im immune to it la. so dont worry doodddd if ya like drawing over painting, then draw till die. an Artiist never stops there. youre bound to learn something new, and put it to your own style.

In singapore, passion = work. u cant just live with your passion if its just painting or drawings like myself. how much only u can earn. most of my customers are from outside of singapore (US, Europe that kinda shit) but as u know singapore how lah ah.. everything so F`king serious. no money can die. concentrate on your architecture man dont waste it like i did back then.
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haha but thing is, yeah singapore is money, like nearly literally. i got myself in business course which i hope to be the mattress to fall back on. i am interested in architecture in a third person, adimring way, not doing it myself, though i like to draw pictures of buildings which err looks like i dont know what. maybe i'll take architecture later as a hobby when i grow up and have the money. heh
how i wish i could get you to design my band's album cover. hahah. but well , its too early to think about that.
just let me know when youre ready dood. glad to help. :)
ok heres a latest piece from me. i think it will look awesome on a shirt.