Ronin On Stompcast!

hope i dun offend anyone with this, but i find levan abit too vulgar... sort of the rockstar wannabe... he shoots off his mouth... like when he came to my school to perform... no doubt he's good, but should work a bit on his attitude... imho
lilrampage said:
this series has been running for 8weeks. how come its only highlighted now? lol

yeah sorry bout that,i watched every single one of it,and never realised to put it up.

so i just waited for levan to be featured,coz he's in one of local's popular acts,Ronin.

and well,from there on.u guys go watch each of it urself.

i like Linda's interview the best,damn chilled out,and get to know another part of her.Pink Specs.
my fav was jonchan and shirlyntan's episodes. the paintings were super awesome, as was the giant alfalfa sandwich shirlyn made which made me hungry!
i think the world is running low on rock stars, so its good that there's one in little Singapore (even if he's a wannabe).

btw, jon chan mentioned someone acting like a rock star too.. wonder who is that.. :roll:
alka1987, levan is a trained singer. maybe your friend dont understand his singing?

anyway, the videos are great way to create more exposure for the local music makers.
alka1987 said:
i heard frm several ppl levan cant sing live?

nah he sings very well,can hold the pitches and tones and such very well,especially in their acoustic sets.he really can sing and shriek too.talent.
Being part of their crew for almost all their school tour, I can safely say that he can sing.

On his good days, you would think to yourself WOW!! Of cource there are off days, and I guess some people are judging based on those.

Vocal requirements on their songs are very demanding on the vocal cord (esp screamin parts). I know since I am back stage wif them all the time. They are all physically exhausted when their set is done. So during a hot season, some times you have 5days of performing in the week. Very taxing indeed. Not to mention flu with sore troat is rife in our tropical climate.

Actually I would also like to add that all the band members in ronin can sing or harmonize too. Including the drummer, who does a lot of backing vocals during live sets.

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