RONIN & FRIENDS CONCERT @ Gashaus Fri 7th April (FINAL)


New member
S.P= Saito's Pick. Recommended baby yeah



Think Magazine ( presents:

Where: Gashaus
When: Friday, 7th April, doors open 8pm
Cost: $15 (incl. One drink)
All Ages

Feat.: Ronin (long set - 1hr TBC) -
The band that needs very little introduction in Singapore, Ronin has received incredible acclaim with 5 star reviews from local press as well as 2 number 1 songs on 98.7fm and power 98fm. This hot hard rock outfit has consistently clinched a devastating response from punters and professionals alike with their performances at the seminal Rock for Good @ RGS, the School invasion tour and most recently, Indie-mand @ MOSAIC. This event represents a more intimate contribution from the band, fielding other local talent in support.

"Give back to the scene that made us" - says Levan.

Support / Lineup times-

7.30pm: Peepshow

8pm: Auburn's Epiphany

8.30pm: Great Spy Experiment

9pm: Project Ultrasound

9.30pm: Psychedelic 4

10pm: RONIN

10.45pm: Stockholm Syndrome

11.15pm: Saito Nagasaki (Divine9) on decks till close

Do check out the article I wrote in issue 18 of Think Magazine- its the cover story about Ronin
that is subjective... hey... why not you play with ronin... i'm dying to see how good you are with all your wise ass remarks and know how.... you must know a lot for a 20 year old punk huh? :lol:

hey and my offer for you to join so ex and teach us is still open... i sure hope you do join us..... : :roll:
hmmm hey man... erimaya? hmmm... i could send you some recordings we have... or maybe you could check out some of what people said about the band in the youth concert at south east gig..... do lemme know yeah?

we play indie/pop rock/rock... mainstream stuff.....
Great Spy Experiment just emailed me to play! Interesting prospects! They are definitely a dead ringer for support :)

but will have to discuss some details!
7th April Friday:
Ronin and Friends concert

$15 Entry (incl Drink)
$10 entry with student pass (not incl drink)


5.30pm: Sound check for supporting bands

7pm: Sound Check for RONIN

8pm: Doors Open – first band (slot available)

8.30pm: 2nd band (slot available)

9pm: Project Ultrasound

9.30pm: The Great Spy Experiment [TBC]

10pm: RONIN (45 min set)

10.45pm: 5th band (slot available)

11.15pm: Possible 6th band (slot available) or myself DJing until close


Just for everyone's information: I just had a talk to Levan and he and I agreed that the 4 remaining slots should be given to newer bands because this concert is really for the scene to cultivate more exposure and contacts. Because of the OVERWHELMING number of emails: I am a little lost as to whom I should select- how about sending me your myspace links and music so I can have a listen?

We also want to have a ball, so bring your friends :)

How about this idea? Post your band information here (so the rest of the community knows who you are), which slot you are eye-ing and a link to some of your music. We are looking for NEW bands (Spoil market lah, Carlos) whom this opportunity would really help! This would also help other promoters who are looking for new bands.

I have to be completely honest: you are playing for exposure because we are running over-budget as is. Equipment will be 2 guitar amps, 1 bass amp, drumkit with 2 crash, 2 vox mic (SM58) - most of it Ronin's own gear

Dont worry if you already have emailed me, some of you have already received phonecalls.

the event will be covered by Think Magazine and I will be inviting some industry personalities to come and hang out
hey hey wylde- you must be one of those 48 unread emails with "Ronin" in the subject. You can talk to me here too, I respond faster
whoa--- nice basswork in "ticket live in momo" mp3 that you sent me, Mr. Boon :)

So Psychedlic 4 has been known as "ticket" previously?
Azlan! I got your music too, nice grooves :)

I liked Through My Eyes. The recording of Happy is quite terrible - your entire upper range is bleeding and distorting. If you guys want a lobang for cheap good recording (Although a bit indie) give me a buzz. I live on email :)


Those others I replied (via mail), please take what I said with a pinch of salt because I'm being as honest as I possibly can.

So far almost ALL of you want the first slot. I dont know why also lol
saito said:
whoa--- nice basswork in "ticket live in momo" mp3 that you sent me, Mr. Boon :)

So Psychedlic 4 has been known as "ticket" previously?

WHOA!!! very fast ah u...

no la...we not known as ticket la,'Ticket' is the name of the song...
since start is Psychedelic 4... .Momo is the place where the final is held...

thanks for the words... hope to get the chance...

u oso say u got lobang for cheap recording... where ah?
if you are serious. Email me how many songs you want to record and what parts they have. The only issue might be drum recording which might be problematic, the rest are easy to pull off
ya la bro...
i oso weri abt drums.... we can actualli do the guitar n bass parts on our own... the drums only lack. using dum programs got no 'kick' la...
thanks man.... we got lots more originals which we haven't recorded yet... we would definately be interested in recording some stuff... i'll e mail you later.... we request earlier slot cause one of my guys reservist lah... need to rush back to camp..... :lol:
azlan said:
thanks man.... we got lots more originals which we haven't recorded yet... we would definately be interested in recording some stuff... i'll e mail you later.... we request earlier slot cause one of my guys reservist lah... need to rush back to camp..... :lol:

that guy must be kief. lol.