Roland Bass Cube 100 amp - Any opinions?


New member
Hey guys
I am a long time guitarist that is just getting started on bass, and want to get a decent bass practise amp that might be able to be used for small gigs too. Budget less than SGD800-1000.

I have a Roland Cube 100 for electric guitar which i love, and i tried out a Roland Bass Cube 100 which sounds great to my limited ears, with plenty of effects too. Anybody tried this amp and have any other opinions or counter proposals in my price range?

Oh before i forget, playing an entry level Peavey Grind 4 with passive pickups & electronics.

Thanks in advance!

PS Included link below for specs on the cube 100
Try Hartke Kickback 15. Within ur budget and shall blow your mind. lol

powerful yes, but no definition. it clips easily with my active pups at high volume. not my choice of amp ;)

within that budget u can get lots of good stuff. Do look around and tell me what you find!