ROCKON @ DXO 29th december 1pm-7pm


New member
Hi there,

There will be a gig held at dxo on the 29th of December 2007 from 1pm to 7pm.

Confirm bands

1)darkened by the other side
2)Shotgun start
3)Mercy restraint
4)Simple Notecase
6)The blessing
7)Stinky shoes
8)Sons of ipswich
9)Fake eyelash
10)A bitter affection

If u want to support any of these bands contact:
Nick 97971684 for tickets at $12

If u have a band and would like to be apart of this event here are some info for you. Please contact me fast as Last month was full very early. Thanks! Please read all the following information as all the information are here.


Any Type of music. Mix genre
One set is 30mins inclusive of setup
Time Slot is drawn by lots
Minimum have to sell 30 tixs. (This is to ensure that u wont be playing to an empty club in the event that other guest leave after supporting the band they came for)

There will be no longer commission.
Bands who are able to sell more than 30tixs will receive $50.
Bands who are able to sell more than 40tixs will receive $75.

There seems to be a party after the gig at 9pm.
Here are the details for those who are interested in going for it.
It has nothing to do with this gig.

Flaunt Industries is proud to present Eve

Eve @ DXO
29th December 2007, Saturday
Door opens at 9pm
Presales @ $22 incl. of one drink
Doorsales @ $25 incl. of one drink

Celebrate 2 festive seasons in ONE HOT NIGHT!
We are known for providing the best parties
and this season, we are adding more,
to make you happier!

15 days of XMAS!
Snow will be pouring down the dancefloor as you shake your booty.
Feel the festive! HOHOHO!
Campus Superstar Adraino will be adding to the HOTNESS.
Singing his best songs,Heating up the MOOD.

To thank you for spending the festive season with us,
Hot babes will be going ard giving giant candy canes!

Ready for a peepshow?
Featuring the third range of clothes from the “kleider” collection
we’ll make sure you girls are geared up and ready for summer.
Drool as you watch 8 dangerously curved models strut down the runway downed in designs made by our designer Lydia Ho
Catch the auction during the show and this time it aint the clothes but the models that we auctioning off for a drink with the audience!
It aint the boys who are the only blessed ones, we make sure the ladies get lucky this coming new year.
The apparels will be up for sale on after the show

So what are you waiting for!
Come down and join us in celebration of the holidays, As we dance the last few days of 2007 away!
On this very special night YOU might just find the right one to spend a whole new year with!

Sellers and buyers
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well i tihnk cos its the need to sell tix. cmon man 30 is hell lot of tix man. lol. you know, it'll be good if like one band sells around 10-15 and if there's like 10 bands. there will be like 100 or more ppl. but the thing is.. not everyone stays for the whole thing. so you just like asking ur friends to pay to watch ur band play which i think its not very nice.. yup.
i experience that and itz stressful to sell 30 tix especially wen ur frenz has last min changes of not going to the gig..
and u have to pay for the tix that u did not manage to sell..
but wth..u wanna perform, u hav to do sumthing for the organisers since there let u perform in their gig..

i experience that and itz stressful to sell 30 tix especially wen ur frenz has last min changes of not going to the gig..
and u have to pay for the tix that u did not manage to sell..
but wth..u wanna perform, u hav to do sumthing for the organisers since there let u perform in their gig..

yea.. but not to the point where you have to pay $$ just to perform. i dont know who started this "pay for unsold tickets" nonsense

The Gig never gets properly promoted, Bands end up paying the organiser tons of money for a 30mins set. one time there was this organiser who kept changing time slot around, never promoted the gig properly yet he walked out of there with $$ cause the band payed for unsold tix. not much crowd too.

no offense to the rockon organiser and im not Saying you have poor management or anything, i was refering to a past experience.

well im sorry about this but the situation just.. you know..?
i agree that it's annoying when people cancel on you and you end up short of money. that happened to me before and i ended up with zero commission. but i think it's fair that you sell 30 tickets, i mean you wouldnt want to play to just 20 of your friends would you? you'd at least want to have a fair sized audience to play in front of. although it is sucky that you have to pay for your friend's tickets when they cancel on you at the last minute
The best is 20 tickets one band. Then get more bands to play to cover up rental, $800? haha. One event each organiser makes 200-300? and they are a few organiserz
Hmm but then there are always people other then your 20 friends within the audience to play to. Guess the question is whether people stay to enjoy music or just to see their friends.

If you're made to sell tickets you'd expect at least some substantial advertising and a credible gig experience...
this's why redbar and gashaus closed down...

let's face it... musicians who play at this kinda gigs are MOSTLY students and being students, we don't have an income source other than pocket money or allowance money monthly.

and asking ur friends to pay 12 dollars each to watch u guys play 30 minutes.. 12 x 30 = 360. It'd be more practical if u held a "mini" or "studio" gig at say Lcube or RSS studio where there can afford to hold up to 50+ people and each person has to come up with much lesser $ to watch u guys play for an hour set!!! maybe split the studio rental amongst bands playing...

organizors like this are simply sucking money out of the bands and i remembered reading a post about Badger's band that he got this particular gigs where u have to sell 20 tickets.. they didn't sell as much and they had their slot at the last one... in the end they just threw away all the tickets...

organizors called, threaten to call the police and bla bla bla... they threaten back saying there are LOTS of underage drinkers in the place. lol...

well many have learnt their lesson on this kinda gigs which's why the lists of bands are pretty much empty...

Im just voicing out an opinion to money hungry organizors out there so that u guys don't feel cheated to this kinda people and pls stop hunting us students for money to the tickets that are unsold...

Agree with Billy Bob. Know of an experience where some organiser threaten to call police as well.

Whats there to call? Got contract deal anot? Dont have no case.
Underage drinking LOL.
well i think the ticket pricing is fair , for the rental of the venue yeah and all . everybody has to make profits , if not the world doesnt turn . you pay 1.20 for a can of coke when the cost price is probably 60 cents or less . why cant you pay for a gig . however perhaps reduce the amount of tickets needed to be sold , down to a reasonable 25 perhaps

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