ROCKING guitar solos/gear/technique whatever!

Hahaha.. yeah... i mean, a generation that never heard a proper guitarist play, i guess fred durst is king of the hill.
whoa tt fred durst solo was simply stunning

OH My GOsh :smt017 ... there was alot of people watching when he played the guitar .. 8O .. funny how rockstars become after getting famous .. i hope swee lee carry those marshalls LOL

funny stuff man thanx for sharing :smt005
Fred Durst is my new guitar god.
Indeed, wearing a red cap as stylishly as he does and playing guitar at the same time is no mean feat.
wah .... how did he manage to pull that off man... *chug chug* ... WUrrrRRrr *chug* ... WEEEeURRRRR ...

like killling a goat man...
i love the part he tune the violin and then continue to "bow" the guitar with a violin.
HAHAHAHA thats spinal tap .... I gotta get that dvd or sumthing man ... its hilarious...

" .............. .............. ............ these go eleven... "
WOW OMG.. OMG.. they are like the greatest! My idols! Eh i want a marshall that goes up to 11 too! Anyway.. i love his flying V. :smt118
hahhaah but hey.. i kinda find spinal tap pitiful.. :( the bubble he was living in just burst lol.. the way he still insists "but this goes up to 11!!!!!" at the end hahah so poor thing :p
I remember the beginning in the satch tapes where he said "most amps go up to 10, while my amps go up to infinity".

Man, freaking hilarious.
i think i need to take some lessons from fred durst...

the art of posing with the guitar and yet still look "cool"