Rockfest 2010 at Tanglin CC, 26th June, 4 pm to 10 pm

Hi SpaTans (Dave), Yes it was a great show, too bad at the time of Simple-Tones, some technical problems were encountered, both drummer and bassist couldn't hear the vocals and had to agar agar but you managed to do well. Members of the BBC (Bishan Blues Council) were impressed by your guitartistry. They are a great bunch of music loving guys who supported our gig. You never fumble or kancheong, it was a technical fault, next time must see if floor monitors are working or hire a sound man??????

Dave with your assistance we should be able to hold another concert like this in the near future. Thank you and thank all who supported the event.
hey rahim [dunzuk]........

a great n pleasant SURPRISE for us !!! u really got a great fan out there.... who took the time n effort
to record our home ground gig @ ROCKFEST at TANGLIN. though it is very raw, amateur and candid version....
we really like it n so do kindly thank him wholesomely on our behalf !!

it shows that our motto is always own enjoyment in our concert performance n have a spirit of paritcipation.....
n in the process hope those present would also enjoy too.........

SURPRISE us further if there is more..... meantime a BIG 'thank you' to you n your fan!!!

[note-- rahim is the drummer of the band ]
Great show, Sloopy Blues Band, thanks for the support and must feature your band in the next up and coming Blues Concert.
eh sloppy blue - u never play guitar ah this gig?

Brutha FGL..
mrSloopy Blue was showing his otherside, his body groove. A rare treat.

&Brutha FGL, I'm doing your 5Cs with a little Stevie Ray vibe at our next gig.
rockfest Tanglin CC


i bet yr ROCKFEST 2010 is a SUCCESS......... all the bands in attendance showed n played their best.........
so much so there was an overun in the time slots....... we did only 5 out of the 9 planned songs......
no harm done.... what's more important is , we enjoyed ourselves!!

sure... if invited always keen to participate in any gig concert u organise... whether in Tanglin CC or elsewhere


pleasure to meet u that evening........ such a nice n a cool guy!

enjoyed your set that evening... displaying the pop commercial songs in a seasoned manner with a veteran
singer..... those not there m sure missed something.....

admire all the handsome pics of yr team posted here!!

supposed to do rhythm but got a burst string during setup....... was so excited that i could not do a relacement just go ahead.... lucky got a good rhythm section headed by leadman Jack to rely upon...


Thks for the nice comment...... hope to meet u sometine...
sloppyblue - ah TQ for the kind words .. next time I jam with your band can ah??

plenty thanks!!!!!!!!! to you n yr friend.... on behalf of the boys,,, for posting another song
done during the concert...... it may be raw n direct ... but at least it CAPTURED the moment!!

thanks again buddy...