RIP Dimebag

I've always thought that Dimebag would someday die because of liver poisoning caused by excessive alcohol intake. But hell no.

Some nutcase had to shoot him point blank and forever take away our favourite guitar hero away from us. But there was a lesson to be learnt of this incident. Band squabbles and clashes are trivial shit until one of us is taken away forever. It's just not worth it bearing grudges or spite be it in bands, friendship or family. You never know when your buddy, bandmate or brother is gonna leave forever.
dime uses the dean razorback.

really sad to see a hero like him go. that guy who shot him deserves to go to hell.
moggie_54 said:
Nice.. Is the First tribute perform by Metallica because the voice is similiar to James hetfield??
hey moggie, sorry wrong info i gave u earlier.

its actually from Damage Inc. the song is called "Turn The Page". its a cover actually. i got it mixed-up with "Mama Said" from Load. apologies man...
echoist said:
moggie_54 said:
Nice.. Is the First tribute perform by Metallica because the voice is similiar to James hetfield??
hey moggie, sorry wrong info i gave u earlier.

its actually from Damage Inc. the song is called "Turn The Page". its a cover actually. i got it mixed-up with "Mama Said" from Load. apologies man...

Nah.. Its okay.. Anyway thanks for the info echooooist.. :D
haha the oroginal of turn the page by Bob Segar is good, but the metallica one..I dont know, just has a sad feel about it which is why it suits this tribute, even though the songs about hookers :S
didn't get a chance to hear the original from Bob, but i was able to see the video by metallica. it is sad indeed. its abt a single mom who had to support her young kid by working as a striptease dancer. its really touching to see the mom tucking in her kid to sleep, kisses the child, then go off to work in the strip bar, then getting back home and seeing her kid still sound asleep and tenderly giving him a kiss... hmmmm... a very human video...
while her daughter is sleeping in another room, she is woken when a client abuses her mum so the daughter goes and hugs her mum and falls asleep on her. touching clip, and the quotes she says in it aswell/
nitrovo said:
while her daughter is sleeping in another room, she is woken when a client abuses her mum so the daughter goes and hugs her mum and falls asleep on her. touching clip, and the quotes she says in it aswell/
hahahahhha... i didn't remember that. must be a long while since i've see it.

to SherT, thnx for the download again man...

if i am not wrong, the guitar he used was called the Dean ML Model.
echoist said:
if i am not wrong, the guitar he used was called the Dean ML Model.

No problem. :P

Yea, it was a Dean ML, used to record everything from cowboys from hell to far beyond driven.

He christened it The Dean From Hell;

remembered watching Pantera for the 1st time in the Moscow Monster Of Rock. hmmmmmm... the energy was crazy... and i didn't know then, any player can be that tight! i guess he is in a better place now. maybe jamming up there with cliff, jason bonham and layne staley...

[/quote] it the one monster of rock 91?
i got the vid which which it is like a compilation...RIP Dimebag Darrell! \m/

found this at a forum :
"Dimebag did an interview/guest lesson in Guitar One magazine, and he was drunk and trashed the Washburn guitar and said "u play that piece of crap" to the interview guy.

Maybe the people at Washburn didnt appreciate him calling a washburn guitar a piece of crap? and so fired his fat ass.? perhaps."

i found a tribute album to Dimebag available for d/l.