Ridge: My Guitarist on the Loose....


haha this is a clip of my guitarist(danks) going wild.. its jus full of crazy shredding..tot it was amusing and amazin.. sharing it with u guys. Danks crazy guitar works!!! get urs now!!! hehez... to me its melodic shredding... damn... oh and i forgot. add us in friendster, at ridgeness@gmail.com. if u are interested to noe more la tht is.. heez.. or for those whu doesnt have a frenster, jus view us at www.friendster.com/ridgerocks yup thanx. sorry ah, jus promoting oourselves. heez!!!!

yupz.. am from ridge.. the guy u saw in the vid is my guitarist.. heezz...i am the other guitarist... hahaha!! yes i think so too.. its a nice solo.. which i have no idea how to play them... the hell.. hahaha!! but nonetheless.. thanx dude!!!
Nice, but your frienster link doesn't seem to be working.

Anyway, are you the one offering lessons on Luther? :wink:
hahaha!!! yea man.... he is rather malmy!!! but sometimes abit romeo... den suddenly become petrucci.. dunno wat he will play next!... bluek!!!
NoMiS said:
hahaha!!! yea man.... he is rather malmy!!! but sometimes abit romeo... den suddenly become petrucci.. dunno wat he will play next!... bluek!!!

How about... being... himself? :)

He can sure play... but he sounds like everybody else out there....

Of course, if it is his decision to play like the Greats then by all means.
ffwaaahhhhhh.....vroo vrooo vroooom vrrroooooo shred until i blurrr already. Ya la very good. But throw in some melody la or some motiff to keeep da groove!
haha..thanx for all the comments, he does has some of his originality when it comes to composing, its jus tht out of the blue, my fren recorded this clip was jus out of fun. and he jus shredded it i guess. but yupz keep it coming.