rgt42dx and rg350ex


New member
Is there any difference between this 2 guitars that is not stated on the website?which is better?
sorry bout the pollin thing haha screwed it up lol...i still choosin thanks shredcow...so the rgt42dx is better?
Dudddde... hahaha.... you ah and your polling... tee hee hee~


The RGT42 would be better by virtue of ... better trem, the EP2, not that the E3 is poor lah.

However, the RG350 has a single coil - you get some nice pseudo single coil tones that, though fake, sound better than the RGT's.

RGT, you break the neck, you say goodbye to the whole guitar. RG350, can buy a new neck.

RGT is mahogany. RG350 is basswood. Different tones.

Soooooo... consider the pros and cons of their contruction and parts, then tell us, what kind of music do you hope to play with it?
hey kahuna i use the RGT and i can vouch that it is a great guitar with great tones and yes, the bridge is better. but if u want good single coil tones from this 1 u gotta change PUs. use the combination in my siganture 8) from a purely metal and heavy dist. guitar i now get a very versatile axe that can deliver a wide range of tones from great cleans to heavy dist.! a real gem
u can always do a push/pull coil split in the rgt for some psuedo single coil tones.. in terms of specs the rgt s better, but like shredcow said, u'd have to take better care of the guitar especially the neck..

but i dont think ibanez necks are that fragile... i dropped my rg during a gig, headstock first and its still ok..
ur 1 heck of a lucky guy.........my friend dropped his and the neck broke into half................luckily it was some cheap GIO model..............he ditched it and bought the RGT
its a gio model.. so yeah.. can;t say much for the quality.. mine is an rg550, MIJ.. therefore i conclude japanese guitars pwn.. 8)
man ur 1 lucky guy..........i was looking 4 that 2nd hand but ended up ordering the Edwards LP on my signature instead..............ah well nvm.........i like the Edwards very much
kahuna said:
haha lol...how do i take care of the neck?

Frankly speaking.

How often do you drop your guitar? Or take a hit on your neck?


Its more of a freak accident if anything.

The neck thru design is strong, but in the event it is broken/damaged, you can't just swap a neck. Thats all.
if you are the type of player who's affected by feel- the RGT42 has a finished neck. some people simply can't play with such guitars.
heh heh.......the RGT's neck took some getting used to after i swapped my GRG170 for it but its fine now. It just takes time. Unless ur fingers are ultrasensitive to the feel of the neck then..............well i can't remedy that. Jus dun get a finished neck if u can't take it.