RG8 in action!

Methinks his 8 stringer sounds really tight. Very cool heavy tone from that monster.

Its quite interesting, they be a 3 piece band... reminds me of RAGE a lot somewhat.

The solo sounded like a slayer (kerry king) thing and doesn't stick in your head at all.
they look more like wrestlers than metalheads. and their body look so big somemore. haha

i dun dig this kinda music. more like noise imo. bt the 8 stringer is cool. bt i tink asians gona haf a hard time trying to playing that lah. the fretboard so wide.
Mexican wrestlers do death metal now?O_o

Drummer uses DW5000 series pedals with Iron Cobra beaters... hmmm... I think he doesn't like how heavy the default DW beaters are... pussy indeed. LOL

Sorry about the invading thoughts of a drummer... :wink:

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