buffalo man
relax man its not worth it for 12 bucks!!!!!!!!
wow.. $14? can buy cigg and one anchor beer.
Anchor Beer??? In my opinion that's a ladies drink. $14 can buy 2 pack of contraband cigarettes and a guidebook on how to drink for real man. Haha.
hahah. the guidebook cheap sia. well my say is 14 bucks can get you in the pit with bands like rudra , ironfist , bhelliom , meza virs , nafrat , melting snow and draconis infernum on stage. even weed can't beat that.
yeah $14 can print tons of ironfist never endings collections of posters too. yall should release a discography of posters. oh yeah dont forget to promote that on a poster as well.
im not heading down for this one..but all the best for my fellow brothers of Nafrat. thats goddamn talent right there. hmm dont bother much abt the rest imo. but hey enjoy yallselves.
Ya Rot, keep it sick like 1 2 3.
like u said everyone has their own opinions. i didnt even mention the rest are shitty as hell. they are good ppl and good bands. its been awhile since ive witness mesa virs and meltgsnow and bhelliom. especially mighty rudra.its just that i dont dig that kind of music nowadays. and most of them in the lineups are my friends. its just not worth my money la thats all!( as in to say that yes im broke as fark. lol). issit wrong for me to believe so? lek la alamak typical singapore forum laaaa chillllllllll doods!. im kidding around with faixxxx. just that its just doesnt worth my 14bucks that all. so simple. oh ya i dont need theories, deep meaningful lecture on whats wrong and whats right by the way. -peace-
like i mentioned before njoy yallselves there coz i know its gonna be great seeing old bands perform again. all the best to all bandsssxxxzzz.!! keep rising from the graves. -end-