There's no way to remove the volume pot but still have slightly adjustable volume is there? Like max/mid/nothing?
actually can. But you need toggle switch with several poles and 3 throws plus fixed resistor to do that.
A pot is a variable resistor by the way. At max setting, mid setting and absolute 0, the resistor value is roughly equal to max resistance(500kohm for humbucker, 250kohm for single coil for eg), half volume, drop the resistor value to half and at 0 volume, no need resistor, just need to wire it directly to ground.
anyway, depending on the type of pot used, be it linear or log type, to get accurate value for that fixed volume mod you mentioned, its a matter of measuring the resistance value of the pot and finding its equivalent resistor to replace it. The value i mentioned above is with using a linear pot in mind. If its a log pot, the value will be different.