removing the tone knob


New member
My guitar has 1 tone knob, and I'm thinking of removing it.
I heard that removing it is the only way to truly ensure that your tone is at maximum.
So I was thinking of replacing it with a coil split 2 way switch...

What are you guys' views on this?
removing the tone pot/potentiometeris not going to do much magik. You will have a slightly more brighter tone without the volume pot instead. Tone pot, removing it, does nothing much to affect the sound thats audible in most cases.

And theres no such thing as maximum or mimimum tone. If such thing exist, then the purest tone is wiring a phone jack directly to the pickup and connect to amp, bypassing the pickup selector, pots and cables.

if you have a volume and tone pot config, you can use 2 push pull pots or any form of dpdt/4pdt switches to take the volume and tone pot out of the signal path just to try out.
If you never use the tone pot, then take it out... replace it with anything else.

Pathein, I find that removing the tone pot actually made a lot of difference. I'm not quite sure how you didn't hear anything?
heh, oh well, i hear geetar as geetar mah, all the tiny differences, in the context of a a full piece of music with other instrument, are lost on me. cu.m share whats the characteristic you hear without the tone knob. When i was doing some fancy wiring years back, tried the no load pot thingy, didnt really have a big impact on me, thus the observation.
Just restores a bit of treble... that sizzle. Some people call it a livelier tone.

I don't know about you but it does make me want to play differently enough. Oh, on an 8 string, it really helps give that extra clarity on the low end.
the treble sizzle thingy, occured to me more in removing the volume then the pot though. TEchnically, its the same thing, the removal of pots, regardless of it being wired as tone or volume.

hehe, siah lah, 8 strings, prolly with the added strings, a slight increase in the treble range can be felt through the thicker string.

There's no way to remove the volume pot but still have slightly adjustable volume is there? Like max/mid/nothing?

actually can. But you need toggle switch with several poles and 3 throws plus fixed resistor to do that.

A pot is a variable resistor by the way. At max setting, mid setting and absolute 0, the resistor value is roughly equal to max resistance(500kohm for humbucker, 250kohm for single coil for eg), half volume, drop the resistor value to half and at 0 volume, no need resistor, just need to wire it directly to ground.

anyway, depending on the type of pot used, be it linear or log type, to get accurate value for that fixed volume mod you mentioned, its a matter of measuring the resistance value of the pot and finding its equivalent resistor to replace it. The value i mentioned above is with using a linear pot in mind. If its a log pot, the value will be different.
There's no way to remove the volume pot but still have slightly adjustable volume is there? Like max/mid/nothing?

actually can. But you need toggle switch with several poles and 3 throws plus fixed resistor to do that.

A pot is a variable resistor by the way. At max setting, mid setting and absolute 0, the resistor value is roughly equal to max resistance(500kohm for humbucker, 250kohm for single coil for eg), half volume, drop the resistor value to half and at 0 volume, no need resistor, just need to wire it directly to ground.

anyway, depending on the type of pot used, be it linear or log type, to get accurate value for that fixed volume mod you mentioned, its a matter of measuring the resistance value of the pot and finding its equivalent resistor to replace it. The value i mentioned above is with using a linear pot in mind. If its a log pot, the value will be different.

In other words, there is no way to remove the tone pot and increase the "liveliness" without taking away the ability to control the volume... darn...
heh, dont really understand what you meant, but if you wanna take out both or either one of the pot, it can be done via toggle switches/push pull pot insert along the wiring to try out.