Removing The Pick Guard From a Les Paul? Whats the best way to cover the holes?


Active member
I bet there are many les paul owners here who had their pickguard removed. Well, as some of us know it, there will be a little hole where the screw is impounded for the pickguard. Any ways to cover this hole?

Please share your views and experiences if you have sucessfully covered it. lets leave stickers out of this.

Whats the best way to make it look as if your les paul didn't have a pick guard to begin with? Covering the hole flawlessly


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i think theres something that you can use to fill in those holes. you have to ask lumberjack or whatever they're called (you know those who work with "wood" hahaha)
Put a piece of your nose dirt in it.
Hehe... kidding man.

Same problem with my LP, at first the hole did bother me a lil bit but after sometime got used to it and don't even remember that there's a hole that until now when i read your post.
I guess there's something called putty. Some clay like thingy that if mixed with a little paint of your choice could fill the hole and be smoothed out with bare hands. Anyone tried that with some success?

Yeah i guess the hole still kinda bothers me when i see it. I hope i'll be able to look past it someday as well.

It's called a wood filler i think? Plus you have to paint and varnish over it. Aiyoh...sooooo leceh :)
yeah wood filler... last time used it years ago in secondary school DnT workshop.

Try fill the hole with liquid paper, since ur LP is white =p

*Note im not responsible to any damage done to your LP due to my dumb ideas*
Wood filler, or a broken off end of a toothpick in a pinch, will be able to cover the hole. Then use nail polish over it - white for your case. It will still be noticeable if you examine closely, but otherwise perfectly fine.
Why don't you use the screw that was holding the pickguard and screw it back into the hole? I do that. Saves me the trouble of messing up my guitar's finish with filler and what not. Looks perfectly natural to have the screw there anyway. :D
amoung all the comments, i think flyinmysoup has the best answer. its inexpensive, no major work needed. i'll try that tonight. hehehe

Thx fly