dear friends, let us take time to reflect on the occurences of 26th Dec 05...
in the midst of this tragedy, S'pore remained untouched by the disaster. lives were lost, property destroyed, families seperated- the future became uncertain for many people who were not in s'pore on that fateful day...
it was heartening to see how the people from the 'little red dot' offered help in various ways to our suffering neighbours, praise be to the spirit of assistance, may it be in perpetuity here.
for those of us who have yet to understand the gravity of a loss, do take time to at least reflect on a probable platform- what if there's a natural disaster here? what if all i've owned are taken away from me in meer seconds? what if the promise of a fortified stand proves unworthy in a real disaster? what if...
this isn't a call not immerse ourselves in sorrow for the sake of empathy but a reminder of the ill occasions which proved elusive to us, time & again.
in the midst of this tragedy, S'pore remained untouched by the disaster. lives were lost, property destroyed, families seperated- the future became uncertain for many people who were not in s'pore on that fateful day...
it was heartening to see how the people from the 'little red dot' offered help in various ways to our suffering neighbours, praise be to the spirit of assistance, may it be in perpetuity here.
for those of us who have yet to understand the gravity of a loss, do take time to at least reflect on a probable platform- what if there's a natural disaster here? what if all i've owned are taken away from me in meer seconds? what if the promise of a fortified stand proves unworthy in a real disaster? what if...
this isn't a call not immerse ourselves in sorrow for the sake of empathy but a reminder of the ill occasions which proved elusive to us, time & again.