remembering 26th Dec...



dear friends,

it has been 2 yrs since the tsunami tragedy, till this day, there are still victims who aren't given their due aid & compensations. people are still recovering from losses some are irreversible, these leave a numbing void, driving the less psychologically adept on edge.

let us be thankful that out homeland remains devoid of major natural catasrophe but the recent flood occurences is a due reminder to be ready for inevitable losses should it take place one day.

SOFT remembers 26th December- to the dearly departed, RIP. to the rest who are still hoping, our prayers are with you.
the day Nature showed mankind who's boss.
we are just a handful speck of helpless beings when that happens.
i am thankful Singapore is where Singapore is.

my silent prayers to the victims and their families.
a tragic day indeed..

i read on cnn last time that it may have altered the earth somehow. causing time to move faster.

my colleague met her husband during the tsunami relief efforts. they will be running an orphanage/school in banda aceh once its fully operational.

there's some good coming out of the disaster yeah? :)
sofyan said:
a tragic day indeed..

i read on cnn last time that it may have altered the earth somehow. causing time to move faster.

That's correct... land has shifted. But it's not time that move faster but rather when land mass move, it will be inevitable they will cross the boundary of the time zone.
yeap dd is correct... our coastal plates are always in the move.. and slowly but surely, our world is shriking... they even predicted in a hundred years or more, africa would've moved to india and making the bay of bengal a swampy area.. a large swampy area...

my condolonces to those who had suffer...
i sometimes get the weird feeling that the end is near.

1) The tsunami took the live of over 220,000 people.

2) Global warming has caused glaciers to melt drastically...some before after pictures shown weere shocking. (eg. a place in greenland which was a vast snowland has become a green pasture with cows grazing on them)

3) Sever floods will be due and low lying countries like London will be screwed real bad.

4) Then, all the chaos in the middle east - all the bombing and wars.

Thinking of all this makes me wanna really treasure my life and of heartfelt condolences to the victims..although nothing can really compensate for what they have lost.

marcdadrummer said:
our coastal plates are always in the move.. and slowly but surely, our world is shriking...

From what I watched from Discovery Channel, the universe is expanding, not shrinking.
Impromptu said:
marcdadrummer said:
our coastal plates are always in the move.. and slowly but surely, our world is shriking...

From what I watched from Discovery Channel, the universe is expanding, not shrinking.

yes the universe is always expanding.
i tink wat he means is tt land areas would move closer to one another. thus, less distance between land areas, which would otherwise be separated by seas and water. so in that way, the world is shrinking
sleepykitty said:
Impromptu said:
marcdadrummer said:
our coastal plates are always in the move.. and slowly but surely, our world is shriking...

From what I watched from Discovery Channel, the universe is expanding, not shrinking.

yes the universe is always expanding.
i tink wat he means is tt land areas would move closer to one another. thus, less distance between land areas, which would otherwise be separated by seas and water. so in that way, the world is shrinking

On the bright side, if land areas moved faster than average, we might get to see the next big european/western music festivals within a short travelling time. wohoo..