Refurbishing a "seasoned SD-1"


New member
Any DIY ers out there can teach me on how to refurbish a rusty and worned BOSS SD-1. Bought 1 few months ago but nvr got around to refurbish it. Like what shud i do and get to strip the paint, to clear the rust and repaint it again? Thought of sending it to a professional but was too expensive for me. Anyone knows of anyone willing to do it a cheap price? Or shud i just DIMyself...Show me the light. :oops:

First thing is to remove the outer shell from the electronic innards.

You could use a pretty rough grade of sandpaper or emery cloth (roughly grade... 400?), stick it to a wooden block and sand away at the finish until it is all gone.

Repeat the process with a finer sandpaper and maybe wet-sand the shell. After that you could use a white matte spray to apply and undercoat.

Be patient with the paint, apply only THIN COATS. Once you've applied one coat, wait for it to dry (45-60min), sand it down slightly and repeat the spray-dry-and-sand process 2-3 times.

After your product is completely white, you can throw on any colour spray paint your want. Just bear in mind that metallic spray finishes take a longer time to dry.

And once you're done with the colour coat, you could finish it off with a lacquer coat, let it dry again, wet-sand it down and use autosol to polish it to a shine.

So while you're waiting for the stuff to dry, play guitar or do whatever lah.

Hope this helps :)
wahhh..must sand down ar? reminds me of my DNT days :? Cant i just use the paint stripper frm the paint store? Anw wouldnt wet sanding cause the shell to rust?

Oh yes, but if done sparingly it won't affect too much. Or at least you must dry your product properly before proceeding onto the painting process.
thanks crawldaddy helps a lot. White matte spray is for the base coat rite? I can use any spray paint to color my pedal rite?
tvontheradio said:
thanks crawldaddy helps a lot. White matte spray is for the base coat rite? I can use any spray paint to color my pedal rite?
dun mix enamel base coat and acrylic spray. i learnt that the hard way.

Yeps, I've learnt through spraying my product models in school that matte white base works the best, and sanded down to a smooth touch.

Using any colour spray is fine, but please remember to be patient.. don't be itchy-fingered and touch the surface after only 15 min of drying. It takes longer for metallic finishes, and ALWAYS SPRAY THIN COATS.

If you can, leave it out in the sun to dry because drying indoors takes somewhat longer.