Recording studios in Singapore

jerseystar : oh no i'm not offended. honestly I've been offered below-my-standard-rates, personally I just told the person that you have no respect for the audio engineer's passion trying to make a decent "time's worth : effort ratio" , and that easily 80% of the studios in singapore wouldn't want to work with you either. I guess we both have opposite perspectives and bad experience, but thank you for the detailed list although I very much wouldn't do any further research for malaysia side cos I'm not that interested and have clients that picked me over Studio101, and ironically how they're so pro and i'm just a guy with a presonus firepod, doing recording in bedrooms and jam studios lol.. my stand is : it's not the gear, it's the user. professionalism is just an act, what matters is the result. it's not the reputation, it's the sound capable-ability.unless you're corporate, then your marketing has to be great.then all those "passion based" aspects doesn't matter even if you got the best sound in the world but you're an anti social or a ninja.
Well, I got to say something here. Yea, I do agree that there are some studio in Sg which only have some not-so-pro-looking setup and they call themselves recording studio. (Not-so-pro-looking meaning they dun have all the big big console and racks and blah blah blah in their studio.) Which bring us to this thing call "Aesthetic". Because, people usually judge things from first-impressions. And when one steps into a specific studio for the very first time, you don't know the engineer well, unless he is really famous. Hence, we start to judge by seeing the equipments. When you see large console in the centre and lots of buttons and blinking lights on the outboard racks, you would probably have more confident recording in this studio than you step into a studio with only a few pieces of gears here and there. And even if those few pieces of gears are killer gears, most non-audio personnel would not know. So they goes back to first impression and fascination with lots of faders, knobs, buttons and blinking lights. So never underestimate the power of Aesthetic when you ever want to setup a studio. I swear to you that my workplace has got gears that we would probably only touches it maybe once in a long while. But it's still there for aesthetic purposes.

Well, at the same time, I also do agree that the gears plays apart, but the engineer plays a even more important part. He can have the best and most expensive equipments, but if he can't put them to good use, then that's still boo! Which is why I mentioned above that, unless the engineer is really well-known, or you know that he is great, or if not, one usually would judge by first impression and aesthetic.

Continue on with that, eversince Audioplex closed down, I guess Lion and Pavane is the only slightly bigger studios that are left in Sg. (btw, the ex guys at audioplex opened Resonance Audio.) And more and more small-sized studio are popping out since. Why is it so?? Very simple, firstly the rental here is definitely more expensive than M'sia. (Not to mention that I once stepped into a M'sia studio and I swear they are using pirated plug-ins and softwares, and you could easily find shops that sell pirated games and softwares over there.) And with the industry already so small here, and local don't support local and run to record at other country, it's hard to open big studio or hi-end studio in Sg. Or should I say, it's not hard to open, but hard to have enuff returns to keep this form of studio going. Not only that, why is is that alot of Taiwanese singers used to come to Sg to record but they no longer now? Pirated CDs and illegal downloads answer them all. Piracy caused sales to drop. In order to earn money, they start to think of ways to cut cost. One way is to record in their own country, coz when you fly an artiste to Sg to record, not only must you pay for the recording fees, but the air-tix, hotels, and blah blah blah in Sing dollars.

And another thing to consider is our local engineer's living expense. Come on, engineers are humans too, they need to eat and pay bills. Our standard of living here in Sg is definitely higher than in M'sia. Singapore is recently ranked the third most expensive country to live in in Asia, and also in the top 10 for the world-list. And M'sia is not near us. Hence, one cannot says that why M'sia studio can charge so cheap and Singapore so expensive. If we charge the same rate as M'sia, then how are we going to survive the more expensive rental than M'sia, more expensive electrical bills than M'sia, more expensive living expenses than M'sia? Everything goes with the standard of living of that country. If one is going to say that, then why don't we ask why M'sia groceries or petrol are cheaper than Singapore.

Lastly, I've heard many complain about the music scene in Sg that lack of local support. Likewise, studio in Sg do also need local support too. How many people actually steps into studio to record in M'sia as compare to Sg? They got the population and people to record, which means they have the business, which oso means they have the money to run that that kinda of studio at that kind of rates. Our music scene is already very small, and if every music people here runs to M'sia for recordings, then don't complain why Sg studio dun upgrade or use cheap gears, and I think we will see more SAE grads and SP's audio course grads going jobless.
Coz no business = no money = no employment and no upgrade and use cheap gears.
Blueprintstudios and sj2six, sincerely we are in a mess in terms of music quality as well as in terms of production although for different reasons. The first probably has been listed to death in many other 'why our scene sucks' threads and the second although related to the first, also has the strength of our currency and our cost of living, generally our economy.

I completely empathize with you that it is hard enough to make a living as a musician or engineer. My point is actually very on the corporate side where if one can get it at a much cheaper for the same quality or better, outsource it. and unfortunately that itself will open a can of worms particularly with the engineers/studio owners here cause it takes $$$ out of their pockets and give it to the guy who charges less because his currency is weaker.

I'm not actually saying that Malaysia is better or the engineers there are better or words to that effect, just that personally I would save cost because I can get more mileage for my money. There are bad engineers there as there are here too, in fact I've done many shitjob mixes when the budget is low cos you get what you pay for even in ringgits.
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in any case this is a point to keep in mind when the client chooses to compare between malaysia vs singapore, and singapore vs singapore. that is why it's important to be COMFORTABLE with your producer. I always emphasize this to my bands, you come to me to record not because "i'm cheap", i'm definitely not cheap for my rig, but at least "reasonably affordable when compared to others", you're paying for what my time is worth, i go by an "AMS" (Ai Mai Sua a.k.a want,don't want done) take it or leave it system , no obligations , good luck. If you think i'm cheap, I think your band is loaded. then what we're doing is not music producing from the heart, more about the money. you want to makan me cos i'm cheap i want to makan you cos your wallet is fat.

but most important of all, you find me because you want me to interpret YOUR music to your audience in an immortalized form. (it's like taking a family photograph) there is a reason why great spy experiment/electrico/plainsunset will always record with snakeweed, for better endings for this cycle etc will always record with big ear , the sallys and others with me. the other bands with nick chan of wallwork and etc etc with cedric (inversion) simply because the bands have chosen the person to represent their music irregardless of the costs.singaporean bands who have issues with costs, should first work out the budget. sure $60-$80 per hour can rack up $500 per song easily. if 1 EP has 5 songs that's 2.5k, sounds like alot of cash, but divide it by a 5 member band = $500, unless the band members are all under 18 + NSF, i'm sure the average singaporean adult earns at least $1K a month right? now does that sound like a lot of money per person with proper financial planning? (apart from "wah have to club lesser now or smoke lesser")

sj2six : from what I know, the taiwanese/other international artistes now record vocals on their end and direct e-arrange/compose/mix/master over with singaporeans here. save the need for "flying".
hahaha wow...

this is my thoughts...

im too workin as an engineer but only part time.. i dun do fulltime.. coz i dun see any point here of doing full time.. u noe, i noe.. hehehhehe..

first of all, i dun see any point in having well built studio in singapore here.. some bands also do ask me why im just using a lappy and a firestudio... i just say, i need mic preamps.. and this firestudio have them all.. i just need to work ard in my lappy.. no point buying expensive mixer that cost $4000++..

my take is that, if Metalasia or Siti Nurhaliza is in front of me in the recording room, then ill buy one.. n i dun compromise, meaning, if i cant afford to get a mixer of 4K++, i wouldnt go for the budget ones like tapco or others either.. mixer is just a audio bus only.. so don waste ur money.. the low end preamps just make my signal worst!

also, i dun see the point why the studio that im working at needs to charge high.. coz after all we're in singapore.. coz if ur band get paid every after show, then u can talk about it.. in here, gigs like blackhole and all blah blah blah and even gigs want to perform also must pay.. alamak, cannot make it la.. i really pity the bands out there.. den why u must pay high for recordings and all? just go get something u can afford and orgast with it la.. done..

some also challenged the studio asking, why never use Pearl Reference or DW like 6 pc or 7pc? hahhaa
my take is tat, if ur Megadeth or Metallica, den ill buy.. hehehe.. if not forget it...

Is not that we look down the local scene.. coz why, some drummers cant even stroke and groove over mid end drums... some even dun noe how to tune... and let say if the drummer can play, and he really wants to use those high end drums, it can be bought.. but the studio have to charge u more la..

some bands also want to use expensive products, but cannot pay.. some reasons like got house bills la, got hp bills, got other bills la.. haaa.. u urself got bills... u think other people no bills ah?? ahahahhaha its funny when we think about it...

and if the studio charge u more, at the end of the day, will ur song be able to sell to the local market?

and if able to, how much do u think u can get back in return? think about it peeps.. no offend..

cmon peeps, this is singapore.. ahahak.. my take is that, ill just take music as passion and leisure and about friendship.. u wan real music biz, go abroad.. not here..

just go get something that can work and produce some presentable results... then go use ur other money go geylang... thats much worth it... heheheheh!

dun waste ur money.. got money den talk, no money keep quiet.. ~
hey jerankong, i agree with what you said man. If you are mariah carey, i won't mind getting the best equipment in the world to capture your voice man.

But then again, i don't agree with some of the posts here saying that it is not the gear it is the skill of the engineer. It is very hard to judge the skill of an engineer. In the first impression, your gear is the one that judges how much you charge. If you are using firepod and at2020s and charging at like $80/hr i wouldn't agree to it. But if you are saying $15/hr, it is okay to me. Your gear definitely tells me how good will the final result be to a certain extent. If you are charging $40/hr, you should be able to justify why i should pay you at that rate. What i find is that some "studios" in singapore are unable to convince me that. And i believe it is not just happening in singapore only. Just go online and type mastering for $10usd. Look at how many there are. Website design is so cheap, no samples of work, list of gears but no pictures to substantiate claims, etc, all these just show the poor creditiblity of the "studio". If you do have bunch of cedar mastering equipments, you sure you can charge at $10usd per song?

But then again poor bands in singapore rather go to these places or try to do everything themselves to save that money, and that results in lousy production, and ppl won't buy crap cds, which makes them think, hey, singaporeans suck, they don't support local music. People only support great music, they don't care whether it is local or not. If you want people to buy your music, give them a reason to. If people ask for expensive gear, tell them to give a reason why first.
just a note to bands and artiste whose going to record their stuffs soon.... Pre-production.. (planning) is the mos important part of your project.
- Know how much you can afford
- what gears and what kind of engineers you need.. (need to ask yourself this when you chose your studio)
- what you going to do after the recording (how you selling you cd?, how you gonna promote it?)

engage a producer for your recording if you have the budget, talk to studio operators/engineers before deciding where you want to go.
Recording is a hugh investment in time and money, so use a little bit more time to plan. talking to the engineers see how they can help you. making sure you pay for what you needed only. :)
just a note to bands and artiste whose going to record their stuffs soon.... Pre-production.. (planning) is the mos important part of your project.
- Know how much you can afford
- what gears and what kind of engineers you need.. (need to ask yourself this when you chose your studio)
- what you going to do after the recording (how you selling you cd?, how you gonna promote it?)

engage a producer for your recording if you have the budget, talk to studio operators/engineers before deciding where you want to go.
Recording is a hugh investment in time and money, so use a little bit more time to plan. talking to the engineers see how they can help you. making sure you pay for what you needed only. :)

Well said.