Recording Studios, Hip Hop and Jazz and Video production


New member
Hello Everyone, I am from (Treme) New Orleans, United States. I have been here in Singapore for a month and I am looking to find a good affordable recording studio. I am a hip hop producer and i write my own lyrics. My lyrics are not just meant for hip hop however as I can rap flow on Jazz and Rock and various alternative music. I am from the capital of jazz in the US and also have experience with the trombone but its been a while since im more into production now. Any info would be much appreciated and greetings to everyone.
hi there peterparker , welcome to soft and to singapore

there's a list of recording studios that I've compiled [highlight]here[/highlight] , hope it's of good use to you.

somewhat unrelated, should interest you as well assuming it's your first time.
Hey Whats up Blueprint, Thank you for the info and its was very helpful. Got a chance to visit some websites
and check out info. One day we may we may even meet. :)
peterparker : glad to be of help! I've done little rap stuff since more bands approach me so far my only 1st experience was like 3 years back with The Sallys featuring local talented rapper 21 Soulblaze for the indonesian 90spop remix cover Kopi Dangdut , you can hear the full song at their myspace .

and yes indeed maybe we'll have a chance to work together