Recording and metronome

Gosh who uses backing tracks live? Live is soooooo open ended... Can speed up or slow down just for the heck of it, drag on sections with just bass and drums to taunt the crowd, insert bouts of silences, etc...
Kudos to drummer who is able to follow the metronome and still able to give the feel of the song during recording and live playing.....

Its a plus point to them who have achieve dis standard but to those u r not there .....i believe thay can achieve and it should be a motivation for them to reach dat level.

IMHO.....even some pros still lack the sync wif the click....but most of them r like walking not fret over.....Its still up to individual musicianship wen trying to sync wif the band or with the click.

But timing is important as its a bread n butter for drummers.....cos ur the skeleton of the band. If u play faster....the band hv no choice but to keep up wif u an play faster......vise versa.....U can kill the mood or the groove of the music with ur inconsistent or impropiate time signature n tempo.

Wats the pt if u can play like portnoy during ur live gig n u can even get ur timing rite during recording....vise versa.......

Another factor is the genres dat ur doin. Mostly metal band do not use metronone cos their music has no impact on timing. As long they play flashy technical stuff.....ur brutal. But not to commercial or main stream stuff....a single note or out of sync....makes alot of different. It will be frustrating n tiring....but do u wana call a sessionist to cover ur part. Den wat the hell ur doin in the band for???

It takes time n effort to achieve it but nuthing is impossible. Sumtime u need the sense ot timing and direction.....the rest is jus the feel n the groove. Sync help alot for editing n tempo during recording. I agree wif soundmix.

But dat also does not limit to other musicians in the band. Good sense of timing is important if ur the cue to the intro to the song......basicaly u must be able to be in tempo n not jus depend on the drummer to help u in the timing or give u the cue for ur intro of the song. Each individual in the band must hv sense of timing and not to depend on drummer. Metronome is jus and aid for constant timing. Drummers r there to help u hv a smooth tempo wen playing a song.

Wat happen if ur drummer unintentionally drop his stick? Would u stop the music n play again from the top? U hv no choice but to carry on with the performance.

Sori guys.....its very long ......but its sumting ive experience......jus wana share ard....even though im jus a simple guitarist.

Hope dis in informative.

sanXp said:
Gosh who uses backing tracks live? Live is soooooo open ended... Can speed up or slow down just for the heck of it, drag on sections with just bass and drums to taunt the crowd, insert bouts of silences, etc...

i do.

my band does.

we sometimes have more than 3 aux percussions in the song, sound effects, voice overs etc in our songs, so we need the backing tracks.

look around, and you'll realise that alot of bands do the same.

not for all their live songs though. maybe just a few.

but erm of course, if the band's arrangements just require guitars keys and drums then there's no need for backing tracks, less a click.
Ady said:
Mostly metal band do not use metronone cos their music has no impact on timing.....

I tend to disagree with this point. Somehow I get the idea that fast songs need not keep up with tempo... Wont the chugging of Enter Sandman sounds sloppy if played along an inconsistent track during the main verses? ...Heh, just an example.

Ady said:
But not to commercial or main stream stuff....a single note or out of sync....makes alot of different.

This I agree...though some melodies are so killer you wont notice straight away...

I'd say its ok to be out of time a lil but not too far out.... :lol:

PS: Ady, youre not just a simple guitarist...\respect/
Well wadi.....thx for ur comment.....its jus a general pt of view....hope no offence to u or the rest of the metal band.....I do agree wif u..hehehehe....

well sumtime unintention of is realy cool......sumtime nobody bothers.... :lol:

PS: thx for realy jus a simple guitarist.....jus wana share here...

Hope there r other musicians who can share dis. How to achieve a good recording with or without metronome......Maybe there r those of u who can share how to maintain constant timing during ur gig or live preformance.
actually in my opinion using a metronome actually improves the recording of a metal band unless the drummer is a human metronome.....its bout hitting u're chords, notes, beats on the right timing and not being sluggish....of course there's still feel but being sluggish is a totally different thing....unless of course if the music is so technical and offbeat that the tempo and time signature changes every few seconds, but then there are people who can still program it...
i agree totally on the use of metronome while recording, i feel it really makes the whole thing sounds professional where accuracy comes into play. ive also noticed many many manyyy bands that recorded and sounds like crap because "they dont want to sound like robots". 2 cents.
yea accuracy is very important...i'm a drummer of a band...and i'm also in my school's military band. (but i'm playing trumpet in the band). accuracy of a note is very importang from beggining to end..if all the band members (guitarist, drummer blah blah) going to play at the first count it has to be played at the same time. precisely on the first count.. that's will be on e criteria on how pple will judge u..every count has to be accurate. the whole band has to feel the tempo inside of them.. yea. everyone has to practice with metronome. spend some time practicing with it.. u won't regret after u see the results...actually not much results la...juz that...u can feel a groove better if u can feel the tempo inside u... yeah

~drummar buah~
Ady said:
Well wadi.....thx for ur comment.....its jus a general pt of view....hope no offence to u or the rest of the metal band.....I do agree wif u..hehehehe.....

No offence made..we're all learning. Listening to other's point of view sometimes makes us see things in a new perspective...

Even with accuracy of midis, programmers still thrive for "imperfection" or "human feel".
You be surprised

sanXp said:
Gosh who uses backing tracks live? Live is soooooo open ended... Can speed up or slow down just for the heck of it, drag on sections with just bass and drums to taunt the crowd, insert bouts of silences, etc...

The drummer for Krueger playing at China Bar uses Metronome to play live every night..... and he still managed to inject some of his feels into the songs.... Damn he is good.....
sanXp said:
Gosh who uses backing tracks live? Live is soooooo open ended... Can speed up or slow down just for the heck of it, drag on sections with just bass and drums to taunt the crowd, insert bouts of silences, etc...

actually most of the concert you see do use live backing tracks. what do you think when you can hear strings sections when you can never spot them in the video. that's why the professional need to practice on what they're going to do and stuff for a long time before going to perform. there's a chinese saying "1 mins on the stage take you 10 years to practice". :) do you think the player would just play bass solo in the midst of the song of just one player slow down and nobody follow him. man.... i guess they would never do something they're not prepared during a show for the professional. :) so final words.... " metronome wouldn't kills your feel, only unprepared performance and concert would. :)
You know why it is important to use a metronome during recording?

So that you can sync up things like ableton, sequences, and soft synth!!

And also have the flexibility to edit the song after all recording is done!
