Record from cd to vinyl possible??


New member
Hi peeps! I jaz wonder if its possible to record from cd to vinyl??? if yes wat are the software do i need? hopefully it does haf though...cheers!
software? more like hardware. i'm sure you can find really old second hand ones at cash converter or something, if not ask around at vintage shops or find online. it's called a lathe. it's kinda like a "vinyl recorder" you put the blank record on and it "cuts" a groove into the vinyl. there are a lot of other things but this is basically it.

your question is like asking what software is there to water plants. vinyls are analog man, you can't use a software to make one.
The question is, why would one want to convert cd to vinyl? It serves no purpose in terms of improving audio quality. And if it's for DJ purposes, people are going for digital DJ hardware nowadays anyway. The only purpose I see is for experimental reasons, which may not justify spending the money to get the hardware to get something like that done...
thanx for the reply ....appreciate that guys! anyway yeah its for experimental wise ..heheh...and yeah gonna chckout that lathe thingy ...cheers!
Hey dude,you ever heard of serato? I'm not sure what u mean,but if u mean on a temporary vinyl(not record to a perm ) then u might wanna give serato a try,it links ur Lappie to the Serato machine which links to ur decks and mixer, so u can just drag a song to the playlist in ur lappie,and the it'll play out like a normal vinyl ,just that after each song,you don't have to change ur vinyls,having said this,if ur a turntablist,you might wanna try it cause really helpful in gigs/DMCs and stuff .:mrgreen: