Recommended Tele - Amp Combo


New member
hi guys, trying to get some references here, any recommendations on the best/most ideal tele -amp combo you have ever tried?

So state the best combo you have tried before, we talking straight through from guitar to amp without the whole chunk of effects in between, except for maybe the ONE overdrive pedal when you need.

Please state the reasons why you wnet with this combo, trying to get some ideas here. before you go saying to try the amps myself and let my ears decide, i plan to do that but getting some references here will narrow down my search and hopefully lead me in the right direction.

Port City Twelve combo :D The amp matches amazingly well with a Tele and a Fuzz pedal :D C'mon down dude with your tele and ne amazed ;)
Fender Tele
Paul Crowther Hotcake+Vox AC30
Ge Fuzz Face+Marshall JTM45
TS808+Fender DRRI

Depends what kinda tones you looking for..

Oh wait, this one's good. FD-2+Fender Hot Rod Deluxe..
Imho, the Fender Twin Reverb is way too loud and heavy for home use and needs to be tweaked to sound at her best.
Imho, the Fender Twin Reverb is way too loud and heavy for home use and needs to be tweaked to sound at her best.
I agree. I have a friend who had to sell his because he can't get it past "2" at the volume knob because it's really, really loud. And I also read that they are very unforgiving with drive pedals as they don't break up easily, it's probably the fender amp with the highest headroom.

I think it's safer to have the Deluxe Reverb RI since you plan to have a dirt pedal between the guitar and amp. IIRC, it's what they use at now as a test amp for pedals.

As for dirt pedals, I would still recommend the cbread DLS just like in my other threads. If the gain is not enough for you and you don't want another pedal to boost it, you can also look at other cbread pedals(SCOD, SFT, WIIO, etc.), skreddy screwdriver, wampler dirt pedals, and rockett pedals.
cant vouch for teles much cos myself isnt a tele player. but i've tried my friend's fender ash tele through a vox ac30. played abit loud and sometimes soft enough for the bedroom. if u're playing country stuff and grunge rock or funk, the gain on the ac30 is good enough, no pedals needed. the sound of the ash tele is just twiang!! :D
I ran my tele's through my Vox AC15HTVH Head & V112HTV Cab and they sound great if you are looking for that vintage tone.

I just run it though a BB preamp and it sounds excellent for that little bit of clean boost.
But on the higher gain and modern side, It can still be used but i had to drop in a BBE sonic stomp to get her to sound right.