Recommendations for guitar amp


New member

I was wondering if anyone can give any recommendations for a guitar amp. Currently into jazz and seeking that clean, warm tone. Budget around $500 ~ $600. I own a Ibanez AF125, semi-hollow.

Appreciate any recommendations and personal experience with the amp if possible.
Personally, I'd recommend a solid-state amplifier. Crank the volume as much as you want, and the tone won't become dirty. I get nice jazz cleans from my Sound Drive SG-10 combo but they're a bit on the bright side. But since you're looking at a budget of $500-600, I guess you're looking at something louder. Perhaps try the larger Sound Drive amplifiers?
get Vox amps, has that very nice warm clean sound to it imo
can youtube for demos

if i were you, i would get the Vox NT15H

retails at SGD 600 at citymusic iirc
Urh, thats a head only unit, and I'm assuming he has no speaker cabinet.

A little over your budget, but I'm going to agree with EugeneSmasher on the Sound Drives. They do sound good, and given that they work well with pedals if you decide to use 'em.

If you can find on the forums, I believe the Peavey Bandit is also a great unit, with adequate drive for Jazz. I'm not too sure on the pricing though...
Really appreciate the inputs.

Watched the video on the standard value website.
The sound drives really sound amazing, but yeah a bit out of my budget. :(

@naviros: yeah, I don't own speaker cabinets.

@EugeneSmasher: Any opinions for the SG-112R?
Nope, I think it was the 612 that I heard... I got a feeling that the 612 sounds better, though, since it has a Celestion speaker whereas the 112 doesn't, but let your ears be the judge since I haven't personally tried the 112.
Nope, I think it was the 612 that I heard... I got a feeling that the 612 sounds better, though, since it has a Celestion speaker whereas the 112 doesn't, but let your ears be the judge since I haven't personally tried the 112.
1. Buy 112R and sell speaker.
2. Buy 'better' Celestion speaker (like V30 or T75) with proceeds and savings.
3. ????
How bout the nuX? Good stuff. With that budget you probably can get one of the larger ones. Either that or a Marshall. I'm using a solid state with built in efx. Good cleans.
I haven't tried the rest, of the amps mentioned, but the cabs without the celestions don't sound THAT much inferior to me. My recommendation is to save up that extra $80 or so bucks to get the amp.

I heard the Mega sounds like Fender Reverb Pro, haven't really tried it, but if you dig that sorta sound can go ahead and try it out.

Well, most of us just missed out on this, because your budget was quite high, but you can also consider the Vox AC4TV. Get the combo, save the 200 bucks on tubes, or get the Head / Cabinet Version, then swap the tubes...

Either way, with that sort of budget, its rather flexible around the mid-ranged amplifiers..
Bern82: i think Ibanez AF125 isn't semi, its a full-hollow?
budget aside, a suggestion from ibz forum if you can get an old Roland Blues Cube 60? :)


@ naviros: Agree with you on that, too. Most people would prefer Celestions since they're supposedly better speakers, but I think its really down to preference. My little Sound Drive combo with generic speakers still sounds awesome to my ears. :)

For jazz, all you need is a good clean-sounding amplifier, I think. The Workhorse and Pony amplifiers by Visual Sound are designed to be clean-sounding tube amplifiers, but I don't know how much they cost.

@ Bern82: What is the playing environment? Bedroom, or performance, or both? Providing this could better help us recommend you a good, suitable amplifier.
Advantages of 2 x (something) is possibility of going stereo (with proper head unit), and wiring...

Bigger drivers also emulate much better clean tones. Much more headroom. But if you prefer the sound of drivers being pushed hard, then smaller drivers is the way to go.

It all boils down to what you like. Normally smaller wattage amps are paired with smaller drivers to better suit their range. Plugging in a small wattage amp into a 4 x 12, you lose much of the pushed sound, vice versa.
I haven't tried the rest, of the amps mentioned, but the cabs without the celestions don't sound THAT much inferior to me. My recommendation is to save up that extra $80 or so bucks to get the amp.

I heard the Mega sounds like Fender Reverb Pro, haven't really tried it, but if you dig that sorta sound can go ahead and try it out.

Well, most of us just missed out on this, because your budget was quite high, but you can also consider the Vox AC4TV. Get the combo, save the 200 bucks on tubes, or get the Head / Cabinet Version, then swap the tubes...

Either way, with that sort of budget, its rather flexible around the mid-ranged amplifiers..

Been a bit busy over the weekend to properly read the posts. And again thanks for the comments.

The Vox amp looks interesting, but what is like, for the lack of a better term, "living with tubes" what I read from the internet are that tube amps are a bit trickier to maintain and also more expensive. What do meant by "swap the tubes"?

And as for the environment, most probably at home in the bedroom or living room. That is if I get the time to clear out the clutter lying around my room.

@eieio: Thanks for the correction, it is a full hollow. Thats what happens when you type faster than your thoughts.

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