Recommendation for "Dark" Sounding Strings


New member
Hi gurus,

What brand/model would you recommend for a darker sounding string? I've a electric guitar which is a wee bit bright, and I want a darker string to compensate. I use a 9 gauge (personal preference, so don't ask me to change gauge! :wink: ). Current brand is D'addario. Also let me know where can I get the recommended string. Thanks a zillion.

hey i tink u've got it wrong.......strings can't sound 'dark' or 'bright'..........its mainly pickups. try EMG pickups if u want dark sounding stuff
I dun know. I've tried both Curt Mangan's "regular" nickel and pure nickel, and I found the latter to be brighter. So maybe there's a difference among different makes/brands?
Get the prata mamak to play ur new strings a bit .... :lol:

Where do you fellas come goodness :lol:

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