Recommendation for 1st Bass

Monkey Invasion

New member
I've been thinking about getting a bass to play with but im a total noob in instruments. So.. i need some recommendations cause im not really sure what to look for when choosing a bass. My budget is between 150 to 200, what should i get?? And what books should i be getting if im planning on self-studying,
or do you guys have any good lessons to recommend??
Forgive me if there is really too much question marks in this post.. i had to get everything cleared out.

Hmmm... i tried tat spot but it seems like its teaching the techniques for playing, not the basics such as the bass intro, which frets and strings for each keys etc etc.... or did i missed it?
just start playing along to whatever you like to listen to. that will fuel your interest

at that price range i've got nothing to recommend, as long as you make sure that you buy a guitar that is well constructed. ask an experienced friend to help you choose a well built piece

maybe u could check out zen guitarwerkz at peninsular basement
but my problem is that i dun have any experienced players around me.
so im quite scared that i would get conned or something.
thank for replying btw...
actually i find that if you want to keep an interest in bass guitar, your amp is more impt than guitar. the tone mainly comes from the amp rather than the guitar. My friend, who's the bassist in my band, when he started playing bass, he used a craptastic bass amp i bought for 15 bucks. however, he got a lot more motivation when he bought a new bass amp, he got more motivation to learn and better himself at bass.

davis sells fairly decent crates for about 130+
i don't trust amps. different rooms got different amps. they all sound totally different. some sound like shit. and worst of all, sometimes the soundman taps straight from my board

thats why my main concern is always how my bass sounds on the FOH
Hmmm I'd have to say I disagree with that. I think if you jam mostly in studios, the money spent on getting a decent practice amp at home could be put to better use in terms of other parts of the signal chain, from pickups to cables. I wouldn't mind practising with a crappy amp or even ampless actually.

Monkey Invasion: Best is to see both sides of the coin and decide which side you want.
thanks for the advice guys. but i nid to get my hands on amp 1st before i can decide which type i would like:mrgreen::mrgreen:.
Currently im looking at the SX SJB62K pack.. Does anyone know the price of it? I've been looking around the net, found tons of pics of it but no prices...
Get the starter kit from city music. Craftsman bass feels pretty solid for a $200 bass. They give you a lowdown 110 amp with it. My friend just got a starter kit from there. The whole set is only about 500 which i I think is very decent considering the stuff they are bundling. Furthermore, I like city music's service. They do free setting up during the warranty period. Just my 2 cents worth
If you're really just starting, as in not sure you're commited to bass, I recommend getting a shitty 50 bucks bass with a lousy amp. That's what I did.

If you figure it's right for you, you can buy a Squier or something and slowly upgrade from there. You wont need an amp over 10 watts if you're practicing by yourself.

I hear they use the lousiest basses that come out of the manufacturing line for the packages. Ever notice that all the Squier packages only give the Affinities?
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Timbre's PB-800 is a good basic bass to get:


i would recommend a 20watts amp for home practice. or not a 15watts AT LEAST.

its true that a 10watts amp is loud enough to self practice at home.
but be aware that an amp of a bigger wattage doesnt mean you have to turn up the volume louder. so dont be afraid that a 20w or even a 50w amp is too loud for home practice :)