Recommend me a pickup


New member
Hi Softies,

Im considering buying Pete Wentz's signature Squier bass this X mas as im a fan of him. Well reviews say the tone sucks and im thinking if i would buy the bass i would probably change the pups. So this thread is to ask experience softies who play bass or who know, what pickups i should change to.

My band mainly plays mainstream alternative rock, pop punk, pop rock etc. For example ATL,FOB,WTK,BLG,AAR,Yellow Card and also our originals which genre is somewhere along this line. So any good recommendations to achieve this morden rock, alternative rock tone? Budget here is not a problem as im willing to spend. Thanks in advance:D
if you want bright tones, get EMG pick ups. Fender Jazz tones get bassline pickups. hmmm I haven't tried bartolini's yet but I heard its great for rock as well as they fitted some of them in the new Ibanez basses. Pre - amps can also help enhance your tone. Aguilar, EMG, and bartolini makes great pre amps.
Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounders should do. also, you said budget is not an option? save youself the trouble and buy a good P-bass then.
Well as in I don't mind spending 200 on a good pickup.. Currently have around 1k and Pete went bass only cost 500? I'm buying his bass cause I'm a fan, not buying cause it will be my primary bass but of cause I do want it to sound good too that's why I'm thinking of changing the pick ups. I already have a fender jazz
the bass has no tone knob(s). the only knob is a volume knob. the performance of whatever pup you install will be severely limited. if you want this bass because of wentz but you also want good tone (this sounds weird), you could consider having a tone knob routed. maybe install an onboard preamp. im guessing it would make the bass sound a whole lot better than just by changing the pups
hmmmm yeah that makes sense.. and yeah the no tone knob thing is one of my concern too like which bass doesnt have a tone knob!? i'll see how maybe i'll just stick with the stocks and save up for a american precission. thanks for the input anyway:)
well 1 knobs and no on-board pre? get a outboard pre. theres tonehammer, sadowsky, microbass II, hartke vxl, etc..etc..

that should give u some tonal varieties.
nah won't help as much as getting a good bass in the first place. you know what they say...shit goes in, shit goes out.
thanks alot guys but i think maybe i'll just get Pete Wentz bass and save up for another Fender P bass then change the pickups of that P bass
personally i think pete wentz is trash but my emo aside, i saw a pete wentz squier appear in the ishibashi u-box.

i have given you the lead. GOOGLE