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guitarnub said:keep in mind that floyd rose is a quite a complicated system, compared to fixed bridge or those simple unidirectional bridges on strats.
you may spend hours changing strings on a floyd rose bridge, if you're inexperienced.
say, if your playing involves frequent detuning of your guitar, say from E standard to Eb or even a simple drop D, i'd highly recommend that you stay away from a floyd rose, as detuning one string will result in the others going out of tune too.
but by all means, if you wanna do divebombs and tricks, and have the patience for string changing/tuning, get a floyd equipped guitar
just my 2 cents
(i havent touched a floyd rose guitar for almost 2 years, coz my playing involves detuning and retuning, and i prefer kahler bridges anyway)
for gods sake, changing strings on a floyd is easy as hell..
it just takes some getting used to.
all the tricks you can do with floyd rose is awesome.
you would have another guitar for detuning stuff
last but not least...i'am a diehard floyd lover, no floyd no guitar, period.
hehehehe :lol:
p.s. a correction to the price of the Schecter C1-FR, its $980 not $890. Cheers

For the thread starter...get a floyd rose guitar...aim second hand one loh..cheap cheap