Recommend Drum Machine.


New member
A semi retiree, I took up bass recently. Attended a few private lessons, bought a beginner bass guitar and a bass amp (the brand that Paul McCartney use). I am really suck at timing. I have just learn there is this machine called drum machine. Would appreciate if you could recommend me a good and worth the money machine. Or do I really need one to improve my timing? :confused:Thanks.
Why not just get those drum samples..some are free to download but if you want better quality drums need to pay for it. Beta Monkey has loads of loops to play around and cost you peanuts compare to a drum machine. Personally, after using a drum machine I find drum loops easier to use. Just take whatever loops you want and arrange them to make a song.

Of course You can check out other sites, I'm giving you this coz I've puchased from them before and more familiar.
if you cannot figure out the free computer software one then I recommend the Zoom RT series drum machine. You can buy it from City Music for about $200. I've been using one the last few years and it has served me well...

that rottenramone mentioned above. if you need a beat to practice keeping in time it will do