recommandations on strings


New member
can ne 1 kindly recommand me sum strings tt r durable n comfortable
my current 1s are kinda uncomfortable
beefy: +1526384623 :twisted:

mangan strings pwn..

well remy, what guitar are u currently using and whats the gauge of your strings??
curt mangan!!! mine hasn't rusted even though they're 3 weeks old!

how cool is that?
and they still sound good!!! :twisted:
curt mangan! I love the tone of the stainless steel wounds and the feel of the nickel wound ones!

It is a BIG difference from ernie ball slinkies. Way way more comfortable and not as harsh sounding. Although curt mangan came from the ernie ball company himself.

Btw dean markley as in dean markley blue steels? I can never ever get them to intonate properly, maybe it's just a bad batch.
hmmm i tink im gonna check out da dean markley blue steel n da curt mangan

dean markley from ranking sports n curt mangan from davis rite?
dean markly from davis, kurt mangan from g77
blue steels rust to fast for me man... im using ernie ball regular slinky's now... maybe i will try curt mangan if wad u guys sya bout their resitance to rust is true
ernie ball rusts too fast. I didn't touch one of my guitar for a week and the strings started rusting. Cause at that time i was experimenting with strings. I still think that Dean Markley are the best la. And for acoustics, i use GHS *something* bronze. I know it's the red one at yamaha. Once, i didn't change my strings for at least 5-6 months, they still didn't rust. Actually, depends if your house is very humid la. If humid, use thirsty hippo. But don't put everyday cause if the wood is too dry, it may crack.

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