Well, i'm gonna take this in a different prospective. Don't flame me, i know people might have different viewpoints of this BUT nevertheless... here i go.
You didn't specify which stage of learning or how proficient you are at guitar, or specifically, electric guitar. you wrote that you're getting your first electric, and you DO have a lot to spare for it. Many of us here started with Samicks, TGMs... yada yada... and then.. we slowly learn how to appreciate the instruments that we saved or toiled hard for, if you'd jump right to a PRS Private Stock for your first electric, it might be the most expensive guitar around, but not knowing how to manipulate it will only make you look like a loser (to put it bluntly). I've seen kids with parents as lawyers, doctors (not stereotyping but yah..) and they have all the high-end stuff, PRSes, Fender USA, Gibson, home recording studio, rack units, and high end amps like Mesaboogie, and this guy doesn't know how to play a thing. On the other hand, I've seen people with mindblowing guitar skills, with a Samick Strat as their workhorse. Its worst when you have better gear, but you don't know how to push it to its fullest potential.
Also, you do not know which kind of electric guitars you like. I started out with Strats, back then i hated single coils coz it sounded thin and flabby, then i moved on to Gibson for humbuckers, i realise they were too muddy. The guitar i now have is quite versatile i guess.. so i'm not complaining. BUT the point is.... your tastes are everchanging, even now, i yearn to have a Strat like i used to coz it has that Strat twang and single-coil driven blues which... somehow, i didn't seem to appreciate when i first own it. back to everchanging tastes... find your own taste, what you like! which can boil down to... pickups, effects, amps, guitars OR right down to neck carves, scale length etc...
I'd say for now... get a second hand instrument (i won't say which), which is playable, good sounding and make sure you like how it feels and sound. I can't guarantee you'll like it forever, but yah... if you hate it, just swop the pickups or something. Thats why... your guitar (strat/les paul etc) is the most impt thing. pickups are changeable, scale length and neck carve isn't (okok.. fine you CAN change ur necks in strats.. yada yada). Anyway... i hope you get my drift in this lengthy and boring post.
Good luck