Recently Bought Samson G-track.. Need Help


New member
Hey Guys, i recently bought a Samson G-track as i wanted to do some decent recordings.. But i found out that while recording i get this hissing sound as it is being recorded.. I tried to lower down the mic level but it was no use.. After mixing down the tracks, i can still here the background hissing sound while listening to the final track.. I was wondering if anyone here could help me out..
what mic u using?

i used to have hissing noise on my SM58 also.
But i changed the xlr cable and its working like fine =)
I`m using samson G-track mic. I tried using in different various softwares.. But still have the problem of hissing sounds..
Is it because the mic is too sensitive that it can pick up the sound of background air or environment....
Hissing problem usually happens due to the cable. Think you can try a different cable for it and see if it helps.
i agree

i agree, it depends on what cable you're using. :)

btw, just want to ask, did you order the product or you bought it here in singapore, and where?

It could be the cables or it also could be the grounding problem.. Happens alot in some under-rated studios..