Ok, don't get wrong, or think that I'm taking the piss out of you, but a nice solo which is the simplest (and yet fits the song perfectly) I can think of is Neil Young's "Cinnamon Girl".
hey shredrat.. guess i've offended u someway or another.. my sincere apologies.. anyway.. according to my observations, here are some of the few must know and must play songs when ppl try guitars at guitar shops
sweet child o mine intro lick(the thing that have gone for generations)
stairways to heaven(when they wanna try their acoustica power)
knocking on heaven's door(some good singing to come along)
hotel california acoustic solo(not sure y but ppl prefers the acoustic version in sg)
to be with you(the biggest hits from mr big)
little wing lead part( its simple pentatonics actually!)
little wing intro (this is one of the things that will drive ppl crazy!)
alrite.. those are somethings u can learn n yet aint hard to master and start showing off!