Re-Creating MUSE


New member
Here're some stuff that Muse plays:

I'm trying to get all the gear I need to recreate MUSE's sound this weekend.Anyone knows what I should be getting?Superstrat?Strat?P-90s?Humbuckers?Pedals?I know Matt has Fuzz Factory effects built in to his Manson guitars but obviously it's not going to happen in my case.I don't have the $$$ to custom-make my guitars.:( All in all,I have a budget of about below $800 for everything.Recommendations,anyone?
a zvex fuzz factory
digitech whammy
zvex or cry baby wah
either an ehx micro synth or the roland v synth

and of course same phaser pedals.

guitar:any guitar with hot humbuckers and a decent tremolo sysytem.

a bit pricey though...
O.o I didn't know Singapore imports Zvex Fuzzs...I read somewhere that it's quite a rare product and assumed Singapore doesn't have any.

Anyways,looking @ what aminaziz has listed...I think I don't want to emulate MUSE's sound exactly anymore(don't have that much spare cash to get all those gears)...what's the cheapest solution to sounding AS CLOSE TO MUSE AS POSSIBLE with $800 and below?I suppose some of the Ibanez RGX models or something like that come with pickups that produce that kind of sound.
i think zvex are available at blackwood.
what type of guitar do you have now?(almost any guitar is suitable)
you can buy a boss multi effects pedal which generally costs $400-$500.that should cover muse.(includes wah,fuzz,distortion,delay).but the micro synth sound is the most important of all but also is the most expensive.($600-700)
then toggle the tone of your guitar and amp.
bellamy always use the neck pickup to create that fat..muse....kind of sound.

a guitar with a tremolo system is useful(if you know how to use them).
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blackwood/ebenex is the local dealer for zvex. it is also very easy to get zvex stuff from online dealers. they are not rare. most of them are expensive. but there are cheaper versions of their pedals such as the vexter and vextron series.

matt's guitar has built in fx but they are widely available effects. usually the zvex fuzz factory and mxr phase 90. more recently he has a midi based X-Y pad which is very similar to a korg kaoss pad.

other than that, he uses a ton of gear. it could be either pedal or rackmounted, nobody really knows because it changes from time to time and he uses a midi interface to loop all the pedals.

finally, no point getting the right guitar and effects, and then plugging into a marshall ms-2. the amps and cabs that matt uses are very important in achieving his tone.
Doesn't need to have the exact effects. Even Zvex Fuzz Factory are quite expensive. Find a decent one or maybe go for an multi efx. As for guitar, I suggest a guitar with 2 humbuckers. If can and have enough money, try changing the pickups.
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Wah, revived thread from 6 feet under... anyway, not to the TS but just sharing with everyone,

All in all,I have a budget of about below $800 for everything.

Obvious choice with such limited budget is a POD X3 Live or a Boss GT-10. how do u even get 10% of matt's gear with S$800? lol
i got the tones alrite. :D just need the head. zzz. but if ya know how to tweak the FF, its good enough. here are my gears..zvex FF, whammy IV , line 6 dl4 and phase 90. learn to tweak the FF. took me years to get it. hahaha. all the best! hahah. ohh and i use bare knuckle nailbomb pickups. chhers!
Matt's effects aren't really complex as compared to Chris' bass effects. Matt has been aiming for cleaner effects without much processing recently. All he does is put a little overdrive or gain usually.

Though if you're still interested, and I wouldn't be surprised because I used to be like that *cough* 3-4 years ago when i first got to know Muse:

Order a MB-1 from Mansons Guitar. Should cost you about 10k including shipping and a year to be completed.

If not... get any guitar with these pickups or similiar(P90s?)

Add in a Fernandes Sustainer(thats how he gets his harmonic sustains, etc intro of SMBH live and solo of guiding light)

I'm not sure if he still uses all these, but he used these during the BHAR tour

Zvex Fuzz Factory
MXR Phase 90
Kaoss Pad
Digitech Whammy
Roland GK-2(to get some synth effects)
A few Line 6 Pro XT Pro
A few Line 6 Pro
A few Line 6 Echo Pro
A few Line 6 Mod Pro

I'm not sure if he uses an amp anymore, in the past he used a custom Diezel VH-4 though(for the sweet fuzz sound during SMBH live). However there are no amps on stage during performances anymore, they may have it at the back and mic-ed up though. Matt also said once in an interview that he placed an amp on stage only to "get feedback from it".

My suggestion is that you get a Pod X3 live and stick to it for life. Learn how to use it inside out, it should be more than enough to get very close to Matt's sound. And be thankful for that, because getting Chris' sound is 5x harder. and infinitely costlier.

Good luck.