Radius_Vector's blues noodling!!


New member
All right, :D Im no blues player but the blackstone's low gain sweetness JUST had to inspire a guy to play blues/jazz!!

Feedback will be great! Thanks :D

Gear: Vantage 118T Guitar --> Blackstone OD --> Clean channel of Trace Elliot Super Tramp Quad chorus

Rhythm guitars = Blackstone yellow channel
Lead = Blackstone red channel

YEAH, the Blackstone!!! :twisted:

I would think this clip is a showcase of the pedal more than playing ability/composition lah so my comments on the tone.

I like. 8)

You should have played a little more with the volume knob man, one of the bstone's strenghts is its insane ability to clean up.
Indeed!! :D I exaggerated the double stops and added more open stuff just to show the b.stones note definition... not really a showcase of my playing style lah

Ahhh volume knob!! Yes will keep that in mind next time :D

B.STONE ALL THE WAY !! :twisted: