Questions about the VoxAD50


New member
Hi, I've been around soft for some time, but I believe that this is my first time creating a thread and I'd like to ask some questions about this amp as I'm thinking of upgrading lol.

Question about the VoxAD50. There are 2 different kinds :
1 of which I believe is to be the current VoxAD50 with the silver metal casing in front and the amp presets says things like 'Boutique CL, Deluxe Tweed,AC15TB etc'.

However, I also saw another VoxAD50 that looks kinda different with 11 amp presets that uses different names such as metal, glass,fluid, etc.
Like from here :
This one somehow looks different and the amp presets are kinda named differently as well. I assume that this one is the older kind(?) Or does the -XL makes a difference...

So my question is. Does the prior vox amp I mention have all these glass,fluid,buzzsaw etc called like tone as compared to the other one, as all I see on it on the presets are amp models or smth lol. And whats the dif between the prior amp I mentioned and the latter? Both are called VoxAD50 right? Isit the -XL?

Or should I just get marshall?

Sorry for the trouble lol, don't wanna regret spending my hard earned + saved money. x.x
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In short, more or less.

Some presets in the 2 different amps may be named differently, but are modelled after the same real-life amp, so you'll probably be getting the same "real-life amp".

I believe that the one with the "metal, glass,fluid" presets is the AD50XL, which has the black grille. If you're referring to the older AD50 with chrome grille, then i think the XL series came out later. However you might want to note that the XL series is "higher gain" than the older AD series in the sense that the models are more suited for higher gain applications, hence the name Xtreme-Lead. If memory serves me, some XL models are from the AD but with reworked gain/voicing.

You could check out the newer VTs that has twice the number of models. Ultimately do test the different amps out to see what floats your boat; however i think the valvetronix series provides more versatility cuz of it's modelling.