Question regarding technical terms.


New member
Hi all,

I need to know what these terms mean in order to make any sense of the specifications of the product. Of which is a pair of earphones.

I tried googling the individual terms, but nothing came up with the correct context I have in mind. Here goes,

Input Impedance: 29 ohm
Sensitivity: 105dB/mW

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I'm not an expert on audiophile terms, but from what I know is that impedance is a measure of the electrical resistance. low impedance requires less output voltages, like mp3 players and such to sound 'loud'. higher impedances, that is higher than 64ohms require more power and generally some sort of amplification but can sound louder. For portable applications though, anything less than 50ohms should be ok. Canalphones, or in-ear buds sometimes have 10 to 16ohms listed as their impedance, which is ok.

Sensitivity is more of a measure of how effective or how loud the earphones can sound at a certain power. Anything over 100dB is good enough.

What kind of earphones are you buying? if you're spending more than $300 then I suggest you read up more on these before you buy them. I mostly ignore these terms when deciding on what to buy, and just use my ears. That is why it's good to bring your own mp3 player with certain choice high quality mp3s to help you decide.
Thanks for the reply!

I did more research, and realised that the higher the impedance, the lower the noise floor, thus making it a quieter earphone.