Question about TS808


New member
Hey guys! Finally decided to make a SOFT account after trawling through here for the longest time.

Anyway, i'm eyeing a TS-808 reissue. I played it at my friends house and was blown away by the creamiest tone i've ever heard, and it's absolutely amazing SRV sound. (SRV's one of my idols)

But the thing is, i'm afraid it would't sound as nice through my amp. I have a Roland Micro Cube and a nUX Mighty 15. Both of which are solid states. So would it compromise the sound too much? Or would it still retain that great tone? I know it'll never be as good when paired with a good amp, but i would like to know if this is enough to deter me from buying the pedal.

The most common use for a TS is to push a tube amp further into overdrive or distortion so on a solid state it wont sound good.

I personally dont like the TS if its standalone (esp on picked/ strummed chords), it shines when its boosting another pedal or amp and at loud volumes so dont expect your amp to sound like SRV.
If i use it to boost my Boss BD-2?

And if you don't mind, could you elaborate on what you mean by "wont sound good"? As in the tone will be totally different than if driven from a tube amp? Thanks again
Hmm, u can try but I've not heard how it sounds yet. The TS should pair well with a pedal thats mid scooped like a big muff or something like that but of course its down to preference.

Yes, the tone will be different cos SS amps can't get natural overdrive and the digital ODs on SS amps just can't compare..If u use it as a main drive into a clean SS amp then it won't have clarity and might get muddy.
not totally different but has a different character more like it. i own the TS808 & seldom use it as a stand alone unit as well, it's more beneficial (to me) as a drive-type booster. you should give the TS808 a try with a solid state amp & hear it in action, this pedal is rather costly, don't want you to regret after parting with cash.
so on a solid state it wont sound good.

My Digitech Bad Monkey (from what I've heard it's based on a tubescreamer) sounds good with my solid-state amp... it's different from when used with a tube amp, but I won't say the tone is bad or anything.
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EugeneSmasher: I agree that it doesnt sound like shit, to rephrase, a TS sounds ok to me when set right. Like I said earlier the TS excels as boosting. Not sure about how the bad monkey compares to a TS tho.

I prefer the BD-2 as a main drive more to add some drive but not too much.

To the thread starter, you might wana consider cheaper options like the TS-7, TS-9 or clones (there a hundreds of clones out there). Those are more practical options esp if u find u dont like it in the future.