Qs on bass strings


New member
Hi, im looking for tapered(nt sure if that hw its spelled) bass strings. its suppose to sit on the bridge nicely n gives you tighter tone. Am i wrong? Anyone know wher could i get them? Preferably a packet of 6. :)
eh ... honestly, i don't think it makes a difference, i used them before. Check out Swee Lee and see if they have it ...
I've tried the 2 before.

Dean Markley Will Lee SR2000
La Bella

both have 6 string sets.

Not sure whether the Will Lee set is available in sg though.
I've tried LaBella and Ritter swordsteels.

It's hard to say if it makes your tone "tighter" 'cos there's really no basis for comparison... unless you have a set of strings which are wound exactly the same, save for the taper.

I have no idea what kinda difference it really makes, but you could always try and let us know how it turns out :)

If I'm reading you right, I think you're after a more modern tone - in which case I'd recommend TI superalloys.
Hi, im looking for tapered(nt sure if that hw its spelled) bass strings. its suppose to sit on the bridge nicely n gives you tighter tone. Am i wrong? Anyone know wher could i get them?

tapered strings?

dont bother with the expensive 'swordsteels'.

you can get GHS 'contact core' bass strings just about anywhere, davis or music plaza. its in the blue packing and costs a mere $27.00 or less.

tapered core strings were designed for better tone, the physics of it is that you have to raise the bridge saddles (note that high action gives better tone) thus 'creating an equilibrium for low string action and high action on the bridge for playing comfort.

DR also has a line of tapered strings.