Qn about humbucker in parallel

When I have mine in parallel, it's noiseless. My humbucker is a moderate output, though.

Either that or cos I'm just deaf to certain frequencies (no kidding, heh).
My guess is no too, but I don't hear any hum when in parallel too. Mine is high output. What will it take for humming to take place anyway? Only at high gain overdrive or any frequencies?
the parallel wiring meant the pickup is wired in parallel to another set of pickup, its not one humbucker itself in parallel.

Similary, when anynoe mentioned out of phase wiring, it meant one pickup is wired out of phase with another pickup. By itself, just one pickup cant be parallel or out of phase by itself, it will be the combination of 2 pickups with variation in the wiring that determined each the function

humbucker rid of the hum coz of the way 2 single coil are put together in one package(as a double coil pickup), "reverse wound, reverse polarity", RWRP in short. It doesnt matter whether is it in serious or parallel to another set of pickup. By itself, the RWRP arrangement of the "2 single coil" in one package already is hum cancelling

Theres an entry on wikipedia for humbucker stuff and why the cancellation of hum thats worth reading if anyone interested.
yesyes! it will still cancel humming. normal humbuckers are wired in series but we do can wire them in parallel too.. the humbucker need to have four wires plus 1 ground wire to config to parallel. Most of the branded pickups like TESLA, DIMARZIO, SEYMOUR DUNCAN will have the four wires.

Parallel mode sounds more nearer to single coil sounding but yet without a hum.

we also can a DPDT switch or pull push pot to toggle between series or parallel.
It does sound more like single coil when in parallel. Makes it even more versatile on 2 humbucker guitars.