Purchasing a PRS


New member
Hi guys and gals. I'm planning to purchase a PRS so I went to Davis to check out the prices. I think I cam afford the SE models which is around 900+ but I was thinking of getting a higher model.. but was stumped that it's a big jump of $2,800++ for the price!! If that is the 'cheapest' for the American model, which PRS should I take a look?

P.S. The guy said that the SE stands for Student Edition? I always thought that it was Standard Edition? no?
SE indeed does stand for Student Edition.

at 2.8k, i believe he's referring to the CE series, which has been discontinued, but they would still have some stock. Main diff between CE and CU series is that the CE series guitars are bolt on. other than that, its mainly wood/etc.

take a look around the prs webby and see what you like, then drop by Davis and ask to try sth..
SE = Student Edition
CE = Costly Edition? hehehe

Oh man... I always thought that SE is indeed Standard. Silly me! :p

@ JMS, thanks man... well you know Davis... it seems like they will only let you hold the guitar if you will already buy it. Unlike Blackwood or Swee Lee that you can freely try it right away.

Which do you think is better... the with TREM or just the Stop Tail?
If that is the 'cheapest' for the American model, which PRS should I take a look?

If you're prepared to save for a PRS, then why not go literally for what you would want from PRS? Be it the Custom 22/24 or the DGT or McCarty, just save for it... No point settling for something else when you're looking at that price bracket.
it seems like they will only let you hold the guitar if you will already buy it. Unlike Blackwood or Swee Lee that you can freely try it right away.

not really. They do let you try. I've tried things ranging from the Modern Eagle to the Santana MD and even at one point the 57/08 Custom 24. They let you try, no questions asked.
^ except when you're young and small sized.

trem or stop tail is really your own choice. Would you use a trem? if not, stoptail is the way. if you use a trem, get the trem.
Hola, I too am interested in PRS.
I heard that all SE signature models(Paul Allender, Mike) are $950. Is that right?
And, how much would a SE custom 24 cost at Davis?
Well, if anyone knows anything, if not never mind; I'm calling Davis after my GCSEs anyway. Heh.

And, OP thanks for the thread-ride. Heh.
Hola, I too am interested in PRS.
I heard that all SE signature models(Paul Allender, Mike) are $950. Is that right?
And, how much would a SE custom 24 cost at Davis?
Well, if anyone knows anything, if not never mind; I'm calling Davis after my GCSEs anyway. Heh.

And, OP thanks for the thread-ride. Heh.

Hola, I too am interested in PRS.
I heard that all SE signature models(Paul Allender, Mike) are $950. Is that right?

Yes.. around that price.

And, OP thanks for the thread-ride. Heh.
No problem :D

I'll check out the PRS site then give them a call for pricing for the guitar I need.
not really. They do let you try. I've tried things ranging from the Modern Eagle to the Santana MD and even at one point the 57/08 Custom 24. They let you try, no questions asked.

thats right....they do let you try. Only thing i cant stand is when they take down the Tremonti and plug it into a Marshall MG10....which every cheap guitar sounds the same into.

"dude! not that! The VHT over here thank you! " :p