Pups recommendation


New member

I just want to hear some opinions from guitarists here. I intend to upgrade my pickups which are SSS. Hot pickups are really stinging sweet, love the sound of it to play solo. There are players who mix and match their pickups to get better sound. I have no ideas what to get for my guitar though.So what do you guys think of the setup for pickups i should use? Any recommendations?

Thanks for your inputs!

I play mostly rock and abit of metal songs. I am currently using a Squier and project guitar stratocasters. I was thinking of installing on the project guitar. As for amplifier, i have a 20 Watts Samick LG3, practice amp.

YES! I was looking forward to yours.... but it's sold... Hehe, oh well. I love the sound, been checking it out on Youtube. :)
How much is it retailing bro? Any idea?
EMG: I got mine from Ebay for about $200 sing incld shipping..new set ;) And they really retain the Strat sound but dun expect pure quack frm the 2nd and 4th positions since they are hot. But the quack is great enuff for me ;) Put it thru a high gain and its still very quiet..no noise at all positions.
well, sweelee is having a 50% sale at their sim's drive branch this weekend, maybe u could go check out some of their dimarzios? some modern voiced ones like the tonezone s, air norton s, pro track.

i do have a dimarzio pro track that i used to fix in the neck position of my yamaha pacifica lying around. pm me if u're interested. :twisted: