pull offs


New member
i have been trying to get videos on the net on how to do pull offs but cant seem to find any

i read that a pull off is the exact opposite of a hammer on. heres a sample of what i understand about it:


orite, what i understand about a pull off. when i do a pull off, first i put my finger on the 13th fret. i pluck the string, but then quickly let go my finger (it creates this "kerang" effect with distortion dunno how to describe it) then i place my finger on the 15th fret.

am i doing this technique correctly? sorry i cant put up any video of me doing it up cuz my comp cant load the file from my camcorder.

thanks for your help!
what the... i think there's something wrong with your tab, unless its suppsoe to be 15p13 or 13p0p15, which is what you're doing now.. correct me if i'm wrong
You can't pull off 15 from 13.

Now why don't you try 15p13, for practise. Fret both 15 and 13 of any string and play the note. Now to pull off just sort of flick your finger off 15, in other words, pull it off. The 13 ought to ring out.
You might not get it right the first few times, but just practise, and eventually you will get it.

There are loads of sites that teach you such techniques,
To name a few,
www.cyberfret.com, www.guitartricks.com, www.ultimate-guitar.com or I think even www.guitarknowledgenet.com.

Or simply goggle 'pull-offs'.
erm, i thought pull-offs are supposed to go backwards, as in 15p13 and not 13p15.

for 15p13, place a finger on the 13th fret and another finger on the 15th fret. (this means there'll be 2 fingers on the same string)
play the note, and pull the finger off the 15th fret and there you have it, 15p13!

please correct me if im wrong. hehe.
did u sorta pluck the string with u'r fretting finger?
coz u cant just let it go. might coz it to mute.
NO, its not the exact opposite of hammer on.You dont pull off perpendicularly like you hammer on perpendicularly on the fretboard,you pull off towards the floor

GuitarNoob said:
then pull off harder

if you do it correctly, even if you pull off gently, it can still be heard very clearly
NO, its not the exact opposite of hammer on.You dont pull off perpendicularly like you hammer on perpendicularly on the fretboard,you pull off towards the floor

pull off towards the floor????
yeah dood.. like plucking the string. just with u'r fretting finger..
in the "steal this video" lead part 2 lesson, theres a short part where he shows how to do pull offs.
the video is under columns. look for steal this video, lead part 2...
Hi you can think of your pulling off finger as a pick to create the '13' fret sound... Mind the adjacent string though, dun want to hit them too... :D
Yeah, you should follow wat anep has said.. Something like plucking off with your fretting finger, or rather pulling the string off with your fretting finger.

If you just pull off merely by lifting your finger, the effect is very minimal especially if there are no effects...
haha i think anep has given a concluding advice.. u noe, the 13p15 thing may juz be a typo for a 13h15.. haha dunno u try. 8)

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