PTB presents - Let's Go Hardcore Dancing! @ Music Garage, 20 July 2008


New member
Push The Button presents,
Let's Go Hardcore Dancing!

Venue: Music garage
Time: 7pm - 10:30pm
Date: 20 July 2008

Presale: $7.50
At the door: $8.50


Bloody Rejects
Por Vida
Dante's Theory
For Better Endings
Passenger Service
Ebony's Call

Cyall there!!!
After the sky

Maybe this time we will be bringing Longan instead and the dancing will be whacked..Hahahahahhaha!Amcm?
it doesnt sound like fun is gonna be fab mann...tell all ur friends abt it come down...
HAHAHA, durians and logans and lychees can be bought from downstairs near cheers i think. well, whatever it is I personally think this is a fucken bloody sick kickarse lineup. SO, do not miss it and besides its just like $8.50 if you buy at the door. bloody worth the money man!
Poster is out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Thanks a million to those who came down to support us yesterday. You made our comeback show a good one. Cheers! :D

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