
What specs are you looking for?

All PSPs are the same spec out of the box (except for colour - white or black)
some made in japan some made in other countries .are they all the same are all the games can play in any psp regardless made in what country .do they have region thingy like that
parasite_eve said:
some made in japan some made in other countries .are they all the same are all the games can play in any psp regardless made in what country .do they have region thingy like that

All the games and UMD movies can play in any PSP, however, you need to be aware that if you plan to play games multi-player, both of the players must have the UMD (disc media) from the same region. If I have a region 1 Wipeout disc and you have a region 3, we can't play wi-fi head-to-head. That sucks.
almondx said:
white software is different i think.. read cnetasia reviews

Since the white (Ceramic) coloured PSP was released more recently than the black one, it has the most up-to-date firmware, however, if any of the games released that are targeted to the white PSP use the updated features of essentially the new OS, then the disc will prompt you to upgrade prior to letting you play. An example of this is Virtua Tennis. I could be wrong though, so don't quote me.
not all UMD movies can play on the psp, they are region-coded. only games are region-free. anyway a PSP is great entertainment device, i pop in a few music videos/tv shows/funny crap in it and watch when im bored outside, but you need to buy a memory stick for that function

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