PRS Pickup covers


New member
Anyone know if nickel/silver covers are available for HFS Treble and Vintage Bass PRS pickups that come on a Custom 24?

I don't like the exposed tape of the pickups.

Will covers affect the sound?

it is not available stock on most dealers. but on reputable dealers, they can custom make one for you with covers. try and contact Jack Gretz, I bought my custom wound prs pickups from him. or I think the difference in sound would be minimal. some people argue that the highs and mids are lowered and its warmer sounding.
I heard from frenz that the sound will have a diff... I think it will be more bass, more muddy and less treble... correct me if I am wrong... it is hearsay only...
btw guys, i have a set of PRS HFS/Vintage Bass for sale, exposed coils stock on my Custom24. Selling cheap cos its used. do drop me a PM if you're interested.
repulse87 said:
it is not available stock on most dealers. but on reputable dealers, they can custom make one for you with covers. try and contact Jack Gretz, I bought my custom wound prs pickups from him. or I think the difference in sound would be minimal. some people argue that the highs and mids are lowered and its warmer sounding.
Do you have any pic of your new pups with covers?
Vern, you got to get covers that are non-ferrous. Otherwise, you'll get a messed up magnetic field from the pups and that will not sound good.

Check carefully, make sure the covers will not alter the tone like if you were to put a metal plate over a pup.

If you got a non-ferrous cover (nickle is one i htink) then you will not get your tone altered much EXCEPT, you might lose some presence and your covered pups would have to be slightly nearer to the strings.